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Kalamazoo, MI Drinkup

Come join @asenchi, @leongersing, @bkeepers, @spicycode, and me this Saturday, April 26 for a drinkup at Bell's Brewery. We'll be in town for Kalamazoo X but you need not be attending the conference to come hang out with us. We'd love to meet you and chat for a while! If the weather cooperates, we can take time and enjoy our :beers: and :coffee: with the :tulip: and :cherry_blossom: on the patio.

The Facts:


Recife, Brazil Drinkup

@mattgraham and @southgate will be in Recife for the Abril Pro Ruby conference on April 24th. We'll be running a workshop earlier in the day, but if you can't make that then please join us at 7pm at Impact Hub Recife for :beer: :wine_glass: :octocat: and general merry-making.

The Facts:

Budapest Drinkup @ Write the Docs EU

Join us for GitHub's first-ever drinkup in Budapest on Tuesday, April 1!

@jhosman and @emilyistoofunky will be in town for the Write the Docs EU conference. Come join them at Lokál for :tea::wine_glass::beer::cocktail::coffee: on GitHub!

The Facts:



Manila, Philippines Drinkup @ RubyConf Philippines

We're excited to be in town for the first ever Ruby Conference in the Philippines, and possibly even more excited to be hosting the after party!

On the last night of the conference, we'd like to invite you to come to Bugsy's Bar & Bistro and hang out with @michaeltwofish, @calavera, @rubiojr, and local lad @meatcoder.

This is open to everyone, even if you didn't make it to the conference, so come along. We'll buy you your favorite drink and we can all talk tech. Kita-kita tayo doon.

The Facts:

Bugsy's in Manila

GitHub Drinkup in Oxford (UK)

GitHub is coming to Oxford!

Come join @arfon at Raoul's on Tuesday, March 25th at 7:30pm and enjoy some of the finest :beers: :cocktail: :wine_glass: in Oxford (UK).

The Facts:


Patchwork Night


Next Thursday, March 27th, we're hosting another Patchwork night at GitHub HQ! Patchwork nights are hands-on learning Git and GitHub.

Patchwork night is great for people new to Git and GitHub. By the end of the night you'll have your first pull request on an open source project merged and green squares on your contribution graph!

If you want to help mentor future open sourcers, this night is for you, too. You and Hubbers will help attendees with questions throughout the workshop. If you completed the workshop in January, you're ready to mentor, and we'd love to see you again!

We got great feedback from the last event and are going to build time into the night to talk about getting involved in open source and workflows. Myself, @muan, @alysonla, @mdo, @chrissiebrodigan, other Hubbers and the mentors will all be on hand to answer your queries!

Also, no coding experience required! RSVP here.


  • For: Git and GitHub beginners
  • When: Thursday, March 27th, 2014 6p - 9p
  • Where: GitHub HQ, 88 Colin P. Kelly Jr. St., San Francisco, CA

Photo by takempf

Wellington Bowl-Up

There are a few GitHubbers in NZ at the moment, and we we'd love to catch up with everyone! But this time, we are going to do something a little different.

So this Monday, the 24th of March, we're throwing the first GitHub Bowl-Up! We will reserve some lanes from 6pm at The Lanes, put on some food and drink, and throw on our bowling shoes. So join @shiftkey, @dgoodlad and @ammeep for an evening of laughs, gutter balls, and strikes!

Places are limited, so register here!

Nashville Training and Drinkup

GitHub is coming to Music City!

Come join us at the Emma Bistro on Monday, March 24th when we'll be hosting a training session on the basics of Git and GitHub. The event is open to all, but you'll want to RSVP.

UPDATE: The training session has proven to be really popular with the Nashville community, so, unfortunately, only waitlist slots are available at this time.

Then later in the week you can meet up with me, @azizshamim, @jameswhite, @jfryman, @Foggybtmgirl, @jroll, @tlberglund, @wfarr, and @alindeman for :beers: :cocktail: :wine_glass: on us at Nashville's rockin'est west-side venue, The Stone Fox.

stone fox trifecta

The Facts:

The Stone Fox features a full bar, and a selection of both hard-working and craft beers. If you're hungry, they also offer a great menu of modern and traditional Southern cuisine, with comfy places to eat and converse, inside or out.

well, hoooooowdy!

If you want music, they have both kinds (actually, everything from punk to indie to rockabilly to western swing). Feel free to stay for the bands, but if you come after 9, expect to kick in $5 for the gig.

UPDATE: drinkup attendees are on the guest list for the bands which start around 9pm -- just let the fine folks at the door know you're there for the GitHub event. :heart:

Passion Projects with Selena Deckelmann

Join us on Thursday, March 13th, to welcome Selena Deckelmann to the stage for the March edition and one year anniversary of Passion Projects!


Selena Deckelmann is a major contributor to PostgreSQL and a data architect at Mozilla. She’s been involved with free and open source software since 1995 and began running conferences for PostgreSQL in 2007. In 2012, she founded PyLadiesPDX, a Portland, OR chapter of PyLadies. She founded Open Source Bridge, Postgres Open and speaks internationally about open source, databases and community. You can find her on twitter (@selenamarie) and on her blog. She also keeps chickens and gives a lot of technical talks.

About the event:

  • When? Thursday, March 13th from 6:00-9:00pm
  • Where? GitHub HQ, 88 Colin P. Kelly Junior St., San Francisco, CA
  • Space is limited — you must register to attend this event.
  • Food and beverages will be provided, along with a :notes: live musical performance :notes: by Shannon and the Clams after the talk.

Atlanta Workshop, Meetup and More

GitHub is coming to Atlanta, GA this week for the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) conference. Attendees can stop by our booth (#502) and join our conference sessions (see "GitHub" on the schedule). We're also hosting a free public workshop and a social event, no conference badge required.

The day before the event, we're holding a free public workshop for teachers, no conference badge required:

On Friday night, we're hosting a casual get-together to meet more SIGCSE attendees and local GitHub superfans. Drinks are on us!

Publik Draft House

Newcastle Upon Tyne Drinkup

@samlambert and @dbussink are going to be in town for The PHP North East Conference and would like you to join them for :beers: or other beverage of your choice at MSA, on Monday the 17th of March.

Everyone is welcome so come along and hang out!

screen shot 2014-02-24 at 14 52 08

The Facts:

Passion Projects with Laura Gluhanich

Join us next Thursday, February 20th for the 11th edition of Passion Projects with Laura Gluhanich.


Laura has designed, built and shipped community, support and content strategies at companies like and Ning. She recently co-founded SignalCamp, where she manages strategic marketing and community programs for tech startups of all ages and sizes. Her expertise ranges from product launches to copywriting and content calendars to scaling a team supporting 30 million users. You can find Laura on Twitter.

About the event:

  • When? Thursday, February 20th from 6:00-9:00pm
  • Where? GitHub HQ, 88 Colin P. Kelly Junior St., San Francisco, CA
  • Space is limited — you must register to attend this event.
  • Food and beverages will be provided, along with a :notes: live musical performance :notes: by Bobi Cespedes, before and after the talk.

Stripe and GitHub Sydney Drinkup

A bunch of GitHubbers will be in town for Ruby Conf Australia next week, and, as always, we look forward to meeting up with the Sydney tech community while we're there.

This time's a little different, though: we're throwing a combined drinkup with our friends from Stripe next Wednesday, February 19.


It'll surely be a swell time, so come on by, bring some friends, and meet your fellow developers, designers, and other friendly GitHub users in the area.


  • We'll be at the King St Brewhouse & Restaurant (Google Maps) once again. Most of us will be posted up outside, so you should be able to track us down and say hi once you walk in.
  • We're starting at 8:00PM on Wednesday, February 19.

Hope to see you there!

Melbourne Drinkup

Next week there's not one, not two, but 7 GitHubbers in Melbourne! Come and join @alanjrogers, @charliesome, @dgoodlad, @michaeltwofish, @rodjek, @shiftkey and myself for a yarn and some :beers: or other beverage of your choice at the Rainbow Hotel on Tuesday. We'll be in the pool room out back enjoying the serenity.


The Facts:

Cape Town, South Africa Drinkup @ Neighborhood

Rubyfuza is the South African :gem: conference, and we of the :octocat: inclination heard that some of you down here like :beer:

@rothsa and @bleything, will be there... along with our :us: tendencies, but we'll try to keep our voices down and our handshakes loose.

The Drinkup

We'll be looking for you on Thursday, Feb 6, 2014 in Cape Town, 6:30pm at Neighbourhood (163 Long St). There, you can expect :beers::wine_glass::tea::meat_on_bone::hamburger:, and :balloon: :tada: in walking distance of the Strand Tower Hotel where the conference will be.

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