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Jurgen Leschner

  • @jldec b9d2623
    Create gh-pages branch via GitHub
jldec created branch gh-pages at jldec/test-apg
jldec created branch master at jldec/test-apg
jldec created repository jldec/test-apg
forego instead of foregone ?
1 commit with 1 addition and 1 deletion
  • @jldec 2e68d8d
    forego instead of foregone ?
jldec commented on pull request expressjs/express-api-docs#3

Hey, no :sweat: ... i was just trying to make things quick 'n easy with this PR - but if you prefer - i won't be offended if you create your own _config.…

jldec commented on pull request expressjs/express-api-docs#3

Hi @crandmck Take your time looking at the PR - sorry - i probably should have split up into smaller pieces. Yes, the default syntax highlighter c…

jldec opened pull request expressjs/express-api-docs#3
_config.yml for GitHub Pages, Gemfile, .gitignore, GFM backtick fenced code blocks
1 commit with 315 additions and 290 deletions
  • @jldec e1e2b52
    _config.yml for GitHub Pages, Gemfile, .gitignore
jldec pushed to gh-pages at jldec/tmp
jldec pushed to gh-pages at jldec/tmp
jldec created branch gh-pages at jldec/tmp
jldec created repository jldec/tmp
  • @jldec 6d3961f
    bump pub-theme-shower-ribbon dep - fixes relpath background images
  • @jldec c006209
    fix background image links with relpath
  • @jldec 2b78a78
    Update 2016-02-26-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
jldec created branch gh-pages at jldec/hhdemo2
jldec created repository jldec/hhdemo2
jldec pushed to gh-pages at jldec/hhdemo
jldec created branch gh-pages at jldec/hhdemo
Something went wrong with that request. Please try again.