Scott Sanders
- GitHub staff
- Charleston, SC
- Joined on
Popular repositories
- collectd-write_graphite 48 Graphite output plugin for collectd
- chef-tarsnap 26 Knife plugin and Chef cookbook for managing tarsnap backups.
- varnish-graphite 13 Small Python script for sending Varnish statistics to Graphite
- freebsd-port-graphite-web 6 FreeBSD Port for Graphite
- chef-descartes 5 Chef Cookbook and LWRP's for Descartes, the Graphite dashboard service
Repositories contributed to
- charlestontechnology/ 1
- charlestontechnology/code-of-conduct 1 Charleston Tech Code of Conduct
- graphite-project/carbon 881 Carbon is one of the components of Graphite, and is responsible for receiving metrics over the network and writing them down to disk using a storage backend.
- graphite-project/graphite-web 2,809 A highly scalable real-time graphing system
- obfuscurity/evenflow 32 sFlow to Graphite bridge
Public contributions
Contributions in the last year
143 total
Mar 21, 2015 – Mar 21, 2016
Longest streak
4 days
March 21 –
March 24
Current streak
0 days
Last contributed