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Government apps

Sites, apps, and tools built by governments across the world to make government work better, together. Read more at

17 repositories 7 languages Last updated
  • PHP 946 235

    WhiteHouse / petitions

    Drupal installation profile powering We The People at
  • HTML 809 478

    wet-boew / wet-boew

    Web Experience Toolkit (WET): Open source code library for building innovative websites that are accessible, usable, interoperable, mobile-friendly and multilingual. This collaborative open source project is led by the Government of Canada.
  • CSS 665 185

    usds / playbook

    The U.S. Digital Services Playbook
  • Java 646 182

    nasa / mct

    Mission Control Technologies: a real-time monitoring and visualization platform

  • PHP 640 185

    GSA / source code and issue tracker
  • HTML 579 324

    project-open-data /

    Open Data Policy — Managing Information as an Asset
  • JavaScript 455 73

    NREL / api-umbrella

    Open source API management platform
  • Ruby 327 137

    alphagov / whitehall

    Inside Government: how the UK Government works, what it's doing, and how you can get involved.
  • Ruby 312 208

    codeforamerica / adopt-a-hydrant

    A web application that allows citizens to "adopt" civic infrastructure, such as fire hydrants that need to be shoveled out after it snows.
  • JavaScript 263 65

    ngageoint / geoq

    Django web application to collect geospatial features and manage feature collection among groups of users
  • Clojure 192 50

    cfpb / qu

    qu is a data platform created to serve public data sets. This is a public domain work of the US Government.
  • PHP 180 55

    opengovfoundation / madison

    An open-source, collaborative document editing platform, being built with legislative and policy documents in mind

  • JavaScript 144 56

    nationalparkservice / npmap.js

    A JavaScript mapping library for the National Park Service, built as a Leaflet plugin.
  • Java 104 47

    nysenate / OpenLegislation

    OpenLegislation is a web service that delivers legislative information from the New York State Senate and Assembly to the public in near-real time. It is used internally to serve up legislative data for and the Bluebird-CRM.
  • Ruby 88 47

    avoinministerio / avoinministerio

    Finnish ministry website

  • Ruby 40 19

    CityOfPhiladelphia / flu-shot-spec

    Proposed Data Specification for Flu Shot Locations
  • JavaScript 5 78

    openlexington / gethelplex

    Substance use treatment locator for Lexington, KY
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