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It's Gonna Be A Hybrid

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by GrayUK, Jun 19, 2014 at 2:11 PM.

  1. GrayUK

    GrayUK Veteran Builder

    Hi all.
    I've decided that my machine is going to be a Hybrid, from the point of view, it's going to be running on wheels, but driven by a Ballscrew. I realise this going to shorten my Y axis a little, but I think it is going to help with the stability and reliability quite a lot. If I use two Screws with Nema 23s for the "Y" axis, what's it like for synchronising the two?
    Anyway, what I need are the exact dimensions of the V Slot width, and the amount of material to either side of the slot, so I can refine my drawings for spacers etc, find the right pieces of "C" shaped aluminium for the the screws to sit in, and then the lower section of the Gantry. I know I've seen them somewhere before, but I just can't seem to find them when I need them.
  2. 3DMON

    3DMON Well-Known Builder

  3. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

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