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OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by kram242, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Frank G Haymes

    Frank G Haymes Well-Known Builder

    What NEMA 23 stepper motors are you using?
  2. Anthony Webb

    Anthony Webb Well-Known Builder

    Parts list is up, awesome! Hoping to get everything in stock so I can make an order and start a build!
  3. Glenn West

    Glenn West Well-Known Builder

    Nice to see the BOM. Does not look complicated from the parts list, so happy.

    So issues oh:
    The links in the BOM do not pupulate the right length (So you could get 1000 part not the 1500mm part
    that is needed. Second I wonder about the "cut" as it not very clear, as my "cutting" ability is with a dremal
    with a metal disk, so I worry about precision. Be nicer if you could just have a part of the right length or
    a kit of the extrusions, plus the plates.

    Also be nice to have a "idea" of the motor specs that are preferred.

    On controller, the MiniG looks like it could take care of most all the needs of the ox.

    Any thoughts?
  4. Glenn West

    Glenn West Well-Known Builder

  5. Glenn West

    Glenn West Well-Known Builder

    Consider letting us populate "out-of-stock" items, as we cannot even price out the OX as we
    hit out of stock items. Least we can pump in a bom, price and plan.

    Longer term, be nice to be able to submit with out of stock items. I really dont care how long
    it takes. Might longer term even allow a "split" to go ahead and process in-stock, and wait on a second order for the out of stock.
  6. Neil Rosenberg

    Neil Rosenberg Journeyman Builder

    Hi Mark --

    I’m puzzled about the belt/pinion system:

    1. Based on the Inventor models from the Resources area, the width of the opening in the V-groove (where a belt rides in/out) is .2236. This is consistent with the 2d drawings on http://openbuildspartstore.com/.
    2. This opening appears to not be wide enough for a ¼” (.250) wide MXL belt, nor is it (on paper) wide enough for the 6mm (.2362”) GT2 belt sold on OpenBuilds.

    How does this work? Perhaps the model is flawed? Perhaps typical belt stock is undersized?

    I’d prefer to use MXL for the design I'm working on, it’s a better match for available ¼” bore pulleys for the NEMA 23 motor. Do I need to redesign to use a standard belt/pulley system?

    All input is gratefully received.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  7. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @Frank G Haymes
    We are using some we had here in the shop from other projects. You could use any you like I think I got mine from here http://www.mpja.com/Stepper-Motor-NEMA-23-62V/productinfo/17455 MS its 6 leads but you can use it as a bi-polar by not using the 2 common leads (I snip them off)
    We plan on having Nema 23 steppers in the part store but its going to take a little while before they are available.

    @Anthony Webb Thanks Anthony :) We are trying to get everything in stock as soon as possible so that everyone can build this together.

    @Glenn West We have been talking with the guys that make the TinyG and the gSheild thinking about carrying them in the future on the part store.
    There is work to be done on the parts list side for sure as well as a lot of other areas, the site is still kinda beta at this point so look for updates and changes as we move forward.

    @Neil Rosenberg There are a little inconsistency in the slots for each V-Slot sizes in comparison to each other as well as the model itself. I think this is due to the die size of each being different. We would have like to have them all perfect (of course) but in manufacturing you have to be realistic about holding tolerances.For instance on the slot widths I measure 6.18 on the 20x80 and 6.4 on the 20x60 with the gt2 belt width being 6mm so the fit should not be an issue there if all is aligned well. Getting the belt to line up perfect is hard to do so we are looking for a belt that does not wear like the rubber ones and perhaps cutting the belt a little undersized.

    Thanks to you guys for all your comments and suggestions, we love that fact that we can hang out here with other builders and work together on mechanical systems. Our work here will help future builders excel.
  8. Anthony Webb

    Anthony Webb Well-Known Builder

    I'd be interested in a saved cart, so you can build it and I can just click "buy" :)
    chris sluggies likes this.
  9. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Us too :) they (the cart company) say they are working on it, but it takes them a while to release. I guess we just wait and see.
  10. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Just a habit in case there are low profile screw heads located between the rail (like in the case of the stepper) It will still clear them but it will be very close so I just add the shim and not worry about it.

    Thats what we do with these http://www.mpja.com/Stepper-Motor-NEMA-23-62V/productinfo/17455 MS

    Cool site Nerdclub nice projects!
  11. OCybress

    OCybress New Builder

    Love this build, I am actually buying a CNC 3020T in the next few weeks the build area is a little small but, I can either cannibalize the electronics and spindle off of it and build this one or wait until I get a little more money and build this one and buy the other one as well. Really need to stock Nema 23's etc.
  12. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Thanks @OCybress I like the 3020t machine but I needed a machine I could cut large sheets and this one fits. Its still in the beta stage but I am sure with all the builders here working together here we will design this build into a machine we all will appreciate to have around the shop

    Agreed, and we are working to have the 23's as well as other sizes available
  13. Dave Reece

    Dave Reece New Builder

    Mark - that's a great build (and video too). Itchin' to build a square one (750x750). Those 4 new plates look like monsters. Be great if you could eventually supply them, but in the meantime - can anybody make some suggestions on how to hack these out of MDF or something? To get started I could provide a how-to on printing same-size templates from the sketchup models, when you release them (on a big-enough printer).
  14. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @Dave Reece Thank you Dave. I like the idea of a square version :)
    This is a good idea Dave
  15. Neil Rosenberg

    Neil Rosenberg Journeyman Builder


    For anyone who has Solidworks 2010 or later, I have a design derived from OX. Not built yet, but may be of interest -- there are some alternative approaches utilized. I will gladly share in Pack and Go file format.
    Key features:
    1. The slaved motors X (Y?) are under the chassis, much like the original Routy, with the belts out of dust's way.
    2. The two halves of the gantry carriage are spaced/held by independent bolts, not the roller bolts.
    3. The z-axis is rack and pinion, not lead screw.
    4. I used NEMA 23's all around.
    5. All assemblies permit easy adjustment.
    I plan to build in the near future, will use a Plasma CNC to cut custom 1/4" plates for the carriages. The solid models are about 85% done, will finish very soon.
  16. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Neil that looks fantastic, well done!
    The mods your implementing for your build are well thought out and impressive and I look forward to seeing this machine in action.
    I hope some time in the future we can add a derived feature to OpenBuilds for situations such as this, but in the meantime please feel free to start a build so you can document your way as you go. There is a section in the build creation for inspired from machines so that will work for now. This will be a great build to watch grow and it will help others who want to follow along with the mods you make.
    This is what its all about here at OpenBuilds working from one another's ideas to push the innovation bar higher.
    Thank you for sharing and helping to build the OpenBuilds community. :)
  17. condortool

    condortool New Builder

  18. condortool

    condortool New Builder

    Please upload your solidworks files. Would like to see them. Was looking for a way to build in backlash
  19. Charles Burgess

    Charles Burgess New Builder

    If you don't mind me asking. What spindle do you plan to use? That seems to be the least talked about subject when it comes to DIY CNC.
  20. Nick Lancaster

    Nick Lancaster Journeyman Builder

  21. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    I was going to use this
    Bosch PR10E-RT Colt

    Its really nice but its also really heavy (3.2 lbs.) so I may look for something with a little less weight.
  22. Nick Lancaster

    Nick Lancaster Journeyman Builder

    Your not really going to find anything lighter in the same class. And the OX should be able to handle the bosch colt just fine. People have used them just fine on Shapeokos.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  23. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    I agree with that and I love mine it seems to have very little in the way of run out but still seems a little big for the OX (end I hold it up to the z axis and well as how heavy it seems but all of this is guessing and until we get the OX up and running we will not know. May turn out that we need to go with a roto-zip or dremel class cutter but I will sure try to mount it and see how it goes :)
  24. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    Will this work in the OX? I already ordered it...
    Makita RF1101 2-1/4-Horsepower Variable Speed Router
    I'm thinking Japanese Makita(e.g. toyota) vs German Bosch(e.g. Volkswagen) vs American Porter-Cable(e.g. Ford Pinto).

    Product sheet says 3.22kg(7.1lbs).
  25. Nick Lancaster

    Nick Lancaster Journeyman Builder

    That might be just a bit heavy for even the OX.
  26. Neil Rosenberg

    Neil Rosenberg Journeyman Builder

    I ordered one of the "Horrible" Freight trim routers that Nick had mentioned, waiting to see if it will be ok for the task. At $30 it's a throw-away, but should get me started. As someone else had suggested, I also ordered the little HF router speed control. Will post further info as they start to get tested.
  27. Nick Lancaster

    Nick Lancaster Journeyman Builder

    I just spoke with someone that is using one of them on a small CNC router, he says it works pretty good. A bit underpowered compared to the specs. But that it has decent bearings and works.
  28. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    What mods would I have to make to the OX to support this? I've seen a lot people using the Porter Cable 7519 which weighs 6.8kg(15lbs) on a joes 4x4 cnc which uses t-slot aluminum and spans a greater distance. I know the dual nema 23s are the same thing all the routers are using. I saw one guy had an 8ft span by using 2 aluminum extrusions bolted to a steel U-channel. here:
  29. Nick Lancaster

    Nick Lancaster Journeyman Builder

    Right and that machinein the video has about 16 times as much aluminum plus the steel channel. Each on of those extrusions is 3x6 inches. That is 6 times the area of the Openbuilds 2080. And he admitted he still gets a tiny amount of flex downards in the middle of the span. The thing to keep in mind is the Openbuilds extrusions are realativly speaking small. That is part of why they are so inexpensive.
  30. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    Ok so this may sound crazy, but what if you could get a 3D printer up and running and then you print space-frames to reinforce the aluminum? It's basically little triangles all connected. Also you could even get that new wood filament to print with and it would have some wood properties... Or use nylon, etc. I mean the frame seems strong enough to get a little router up and running so it should be able to easily do a 3D printer. Then you could make some insane shapes that add strength in just the right places. Even make it snap or bolt onto the v-slot
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014

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