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Routy CNC Router (V-Slot Belt & Pinion)

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by kram242, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Routy will cut approx 240 x 560 of course you could add longer V-Slots to gain more cutting area.
  2. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    Dude, the photos of routy make it look like 2ft x 4ft, wtf?
  3. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    :D maybe the table its sitting on.
  4. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    Are these numbers in mm? As in 9.5" x 23"???
  5. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

  6. Cuse

    Cuse New Builder

  7. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

  8. Chris Allen

    Chris Allen Journeyman Builder

    It think 35mm will fit? (just checked, 35mm is the perfect size) Also, you will need to reuse some of the spare spacers that you replaced with eccentric spacers on the other wheels.

    You will also need some 8mm M3s for one of the motors which are not on the parts list.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2014
  9. Cuse

    Cuse New Builder

    Thanks for the replies guys. Are there 8mm M3s at the partstore or would I have to go to McMaster or Fastenal for something like that. I didn't see any 8mm, just 10mm and 6mm.
  10. Chris Allen

    Chris Allen Journeyman Builder

    6mm might work, it would only give you 3mm overlap on the motor (3mm plate thickness). 8mm are easy to get on amazon or ebay in small quantities. Just look for m3 button head hex 8mm. 10mm might also work fine if the motor thread is deep enough

    picture of my gantry with 35mm screws (not the ones from the store)

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2014
    kram242 likes this.
  11. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Can't wait to get my parts in
    This is going to be a blast :)

    Got a great deal on some steppers FREE :D
    They where a little ruff so I gave them the Tinker touch!


    kram242 likes this.
  12. Nick Lancaster

    Nick Lancaster Journeyman Builder

    nice refurb on those.
  13. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Beautiful, btw that reminds me I have been meaning to ask you what do you use to clean up your aluminum parts?
  14. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    After cutting I rinse them in dish soap and use a 800 grit sanding sponge.
    removes oil res and burs left behind.
    I need to get some extrusion so I can build a more square and solid spoil/clamping bed, this way I can achieve better finish cuts.
    kram242 likes this.
  15. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Ty :D
  16. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Thanks for the info Robert :)
  17. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    Ace hardware carries mm screws in various sizes and length.
  18. brianblocker

    brianblocker New Builder

    Yes, DO be sure you get 20x40 :)
  19. brianblocker

    brianblocker New Builder

    Also, the parts list seems to be excluding the double t-nuts
  20. Bryant

    Bryant Well-Known Builder

    Double t-nuts? How many of those do I need. I guess this is what I get for trying to start this project so early :)

    I just spent some time disassembling the model to make sure I knew all of the correct lengths for what I want to build. Unless I'm mistaken the model has the following lengths of v-slot

    1. 2080 - 400mm x2
    2. 2060 - 750mm x2
    3. 2060 - 412mm
    4. 2040 - 710mm x2
    5. 2040 - 452mm
    6. 2040 - 200mm x2
    7. 2040 - 170mm
    8. 2040 - 88mm

    As I want a little more width I figure I need to increase items 1, 3, and 5 by equal amounts (100mm for me).

    Finally, the lock collar in the model says it is about 6mm. The store doesn't have any 6mm lock collars. Did you use a 1/4" one in its place? (6.35mm) Seems that would put things out whack a smidge but on such a short run I'm not sure it would matter.
  21. Bryant

    Bryant Well-Known Builder

    Also, I think I plan to make part 2 out of 2080. Any reason that wouldn't work? Would the motor mount be ok staying where it is and still have enough room to come up without hitting the aluminum spacers?
  22. Chris Allen

    Chris Allen Journeyman Builder

    Double t nuts at the motor plate joins. I used 2 hole joining plate instead, which works fine and is probably stronger, but you will need longer screws (15mm??) and a separate m5 locking nut.

    I would recommend getting different lengths of m5 screws, since they aren't that expensive. just 10 of each, and most of them don't have to be low profile.

    I would also recommend getting a locking collar that is an exact match for your screw (6mm or 8mm generally). In the UK at least they tend to be called shaft collars on general hardware sites.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2014
  23. Chris Allen

    Chris Allen Journeyman Builder

    By part 2 do you mean the rails for the y axis wheels in step 2?
  24. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    Dude the parts list is missing all kinds of sh!t. Maybe you should just build a routy at openbuilds, tear it down and count the parts, then put up the parts list. Whoever volunteered this parts list left off lots of important things and it's impossible to build with the parts list provided. So as a result we all waste our time playing "guess which parts are missing" and then we pay for shipping 15 times which completely negates the whole point of a parts list. So far I'm missing:
    1. M5 screws(there were none in the original parts list)-probably the 8mm kind
    2. about 1.5m of 20x40 v-slot to go under the frame as shown in the window$-only sketchy-up file
    3. A Z-axis. I have no idea how you made this. It looks like there's some kind of bearing and some kind of threaded rod and some kind of collar and then some kind of weird black thing that nobody knows what it is.
    4. Something to hold the belts at the end of the v-slot.

    I'm sure there's plenty more missing but this is what I've found so far. I just wasted 3 weeks on this build and it's still a pile of parts sitting on the floor. I kinda feel like I've been duped here.
  25. Chris Allen

    Chris Allen Journeyman Builder

    volunteer is the key word. Reading the whole thread gives a good indication of the missing parts, and a large number of the parts are commonly available.
  26. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    You guys are right though even though we appreciate the help on the parts list, we really need to go through the build count all the parts and post our version of the list. We will do this in a few days once we are caught up here with work.
  27. TJTrolinger

    TJTrolinger New Builder

    Really like the Routy and want to order the stuff and and build it, but Im concerned about all the missing items in the parts list. Looking forward to the new updated list!
    Has anyone modified this to work as a 3D printer too?
  28. Bryant

    Bryant Well-Known Builder

    I mean the v-slot that is serving as the linear rail for the Y axis, currently made out 750mm of 2060. My only worry is that the plate isn't big enough. The only reason I'm considering it is that eventually I want to run an Ox gantry on the same machine (I'll re-purpose the routy gantry as a laser or 3d printer).

    Thanks for this very useful tip. Changing my search from lock collar to shaft collar did the trick.

    I'm still finishing up a woodworking project for my wife before I start this build so I've always anticipated that it would take a bit of time. We are just finishing up that project and my 6mm lead screw and nut should be arriving in about a week so I have time to make one more order and then get building. I always take what I estimate a project is going to cost me in time and money and multiply the time by 3 and the $$ by 2 :)
  29. Chris Allen

    Chris Allen Journeyman Builder

    The way I see it, if you are looking for a ready made kit with nothing to do but follow the instructions then go get a shapeoko.They are cheap and will have all the parts. Openbuilds is better for me because it offers the chance to modify pretty much any part of it to suit yourself. The only things missing from the list that you have to have from openbuilds is the v-slot. Everything else that's missing should be available reasonably locally.

    I think it should just fit on the very outermost holes on the gantry plate. But I can't say I've tried it.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2014
  30. brianblocker

    brianblocker New Builder

    It would be good if the components in sketchup had a description / name that matched the part # or name of item in the part store. It does look like you'll need some m5 45mm (maybe 40mm?) screws for the z-axis (the screws that go between the wheels)

    I think the GREAT thing is that with so many eyes on this, we're going to end up w/ a REALLY good parts list soon :)

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