Analog Phase Shifters

220 Analog Phase Shifters from 13 manufacturers listed on everything RF
Analog Phase Shifters from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download Datasheets, Compare products and Request Quotations. Your Inquiry will be directed to the manufacturer and their distributors who will get back to you with a quote.
Description: 0 to 180 Degree, Analog Phase Shifter from 1 to 1.12 GHz
1 to 1.12 GHz
Control Voltage:
-12 to 5 V
Insertion Loss:
2 dB
Power dBm:
20 dBm
Power W:
0.1 W
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Description: 26 to 32 MHz, Voltage Variable Phase Shifter
26 to 32 MHz
Control Voltage:
0 to 12 V
Insertion Loss:
1.2 to 2.5 dB
Power dBm:
20 dBm
Power W:
0.1 W
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Description: 150 to 280 MHz, Octave band phase shifter with phase range of 180 Degrees
150 to 280 MHz
Control Voltage:
0 to 30 V
Insertion Loss:
2.2 dB
Power dBm:
5 dBm
Power W:
3 mW
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Description: Voltage Variable Phase Shifter
8 to 12.4 GHz
Control Voltage:
2 to 10 V
Insertion Loss:
7 dB
Power dBm:
15 dBm
Power W:
0.03 W
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Description: 5 to 18 GHz, Analog Phase Shifter
5 to 18 GHz
Control Voltage:
0 to 10 V
Insertion Loss:
4 to 12 dB
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Description: 4 to 8 GHz, 180 Degree Analog Phase Shifter
4 to 8 GHz
Control Voltage:
DC to 12 V
Insertion Loss:
3.5 dB
Power dBm:
30 dBm
Power W:
1 W
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Description: Analog Voltage Variable Phase Shifter Module from 6 to 16 GHz
6 to 16 GHz
Control Voltage:
0 to 20 V
Insertion Loss:
5 dB
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Description: Voltage Variable Phase Shifters from 10 MHz to 500 MHz
10 to 500 MHz
Control Voltage:
0.5 to 30 V
Insertion Loss:
1 dB
Power dBm:
-10 dBm
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Description: 0 to 180 Degree, Analog Phase Shifter from 2 to 4 GHz
2 to 4 GHz
Control Voltage:
-12 to 5 V
Insertion Loss:
2.5 to 3 dB
Power dBm:
20 dBm
Power W:
0.1 W
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Description: 180 Degrees Voltage Variable Phase Shifter from 1.8 GHz to 2.5 GHz
1.8 to 2.5 MHz
Control Voltage:
0 to 18 V
Insertion Loss:
0.9 to 2.7 dB
Power dBm:
20 dBm
Power W:
0.1 W
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Find Analog Phase Shifters by Specification

everything RF has listed Analog Phase Shifters from the leading manufacturers and made them searchable by specification. You can enter the phase shift, power levels, frequency of interest and other parameters. The search tool scans through catalogs of multiple vendors to identify analog phase shifters that meet your requirement. You can then view more information on each product, download its datasheet and request a quotation. Quotations requested via everything RF are directed to the manufacturers and their distributors who will get back to you with the requested information.

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