What is a RF Diplexer?
A diplexer is a 3-port device that allows two transmitters or two receivers on different bands to use a common transmit channel. A Diplexer is basically a combiner with a set of low pass and high pass filters with a common feed line. Both the signals should be at different frequencies by a significant percentage, so that filter can easily sort them. It can use low-pass, high-pass or band-pass filters to achieve the desired result. They are ideally used in communications.
everything RF lists RF diplexers from the leading manufacturers. Narrow down the list of diplexers by entering the required frequency range - Our search tool will filter through the complete catalog of products to find diplexers that meet your requirement. You can request quotations, download datasheets and compare the products. All inquiries made via everything RF will be directed to the manufacturer and/or their distributors/sales reps in your region.
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