Monthly Archives: July 2013


One of the main things missing, from the Dawn Robotics webstore up until now was sensors. Which is a fairly glaring omission when you consider that sensors are a large part of what makes a robot, a robot…

Well, we’ve now fixed the problem, with a range of sensors from Seeed Studio. Your robots can now detect walls and obstacles with the Ultrasonic range sensor, navigate with the 3 axis compass, and follow lines using the IR line sensor. For the full range, see the sensor section here.

Ultrasonic Range Sensor

Ultrasonic Range Sensor

Also, one of the other advantages of getting these sensors, is that it now allows us to put together more complete robot kits (the greyed out coming soon items on our main page). These will be bundles which give you all the parts needed for a complete robot, coupled with a discount for buying everything in one go. Hopefully, this will help save money, and reduce some of the confusion for people just getting into this fascinating hobby.

Line Follower Sensor

Line Follower Sensor

Mobile Robot Bluetooth – Adding Bluetooth to the Dagu Adventure Bot

Mobile robots become much more flexible and fun when you add Bluetooth or some other form of wireless communication to them. You can control them remotely yourself, or connect them to a PC which coordinate the movement of multiple robots, or record data from their sensors.

Now, Dagu’s Adventure Bot is a very versatile robot, and has lots of cool features, but one thing it lacks is wireless control. Well we’re going to put that right, and show you how you can use a Bluetooth module, and the Arduino SoftwareSerial library to get your Dagu Adventure Bot talking wirelessly to your PC and/or your smartphone. We also provide some example code which lets you drive the Adventure Bot around using the most excellent MOBOT BT Car app.

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