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OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by kram242, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Gadroc

    Gadroc New Builder

    Fair enough, but I'd say the same to you
    SketchUcam is not another CAD system, so the tangent is meaningless. I don't care that SketchUcam can back track SkethUp line-segments back to arcs for generating g-code. The CAD piece is important to me as I'm realigning some things to fit with other components I already have, and I already have more capable CAM software. Quite honestly DXF output from SketchUp is about as useful as STL for anyone trying to modify a design, which is to say crap. Circles/arc don't have dimensions or center points and I've never seen a SketchUp design that was dimensionally accurate. All dimensions are off by fractions of millimeters, which means they are a pain to align in an assembly, as hole patterns don't line up. You end up redrawing them dimensionally accurate and replacing all arcs with fitted arcs and then re-dimensioning them because the are always again fractions of a mm off. In my opinion SketchUp is a great free form design system, but rubbish for detailed mechanical parts or CNC work. To each their own.
  2. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    Here's how I did my z limit+home switches http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/optical-limit-home-switches.512/

    Instead of lock collars I used nuts and drilled+tapped a set screw to lock them in place. It allows me to pretension the threaded rod into place and then lock it there.... seems to help. My bearings are 608 so the nut only touches the inner race. I tried just the nut but it spun loose.
  3. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    then it is time you upgraded both Sketchup (at least to 8) and SketchuCam (1.1b) because both most definitely DO produce true arcs. You cannot see the arcs in Sketchup because it draws them at straight lines, but the Gcode will contain G03/G02 commands for the arc segments
    you have not exploded or edited the arcs in such a way that makes Sketchup think they are lines segments.

    DXF files can be a real export/import problem and I'm never surprised when something goes wacky in them ;)
    in particular arcs getting converted to polygonals.

    example I just drew and created Gcode from in Sketchup8
    this is a 100mm square with the top right corner rounded off.
    (Generated by SketchUcam {1.1c-beta})
    (Bit diameter: 3.2mm)
    (Feed rate: 2000.0mm/min)
    (Plunge Feed rate: 1500.0mm/min)
    (Material Thickness: 4.0mm)
    (Material length: 2500.0mm X width: 1300.0mm)
    (Overhead Gantry: true)
    (Retract feed rate NOT limited to plunge feed rate)
    (Optimization is ON)
    (Davids defaults)
    G90 G21 G49 G61
    M3 S15000
    G0   Z5.000    
       X48.351       Y76.545   
    G1   Z-5.600     F1500
       X151.551    F2000
    G17 G3   X151.151      Y138.781      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X149.949      Y144.826      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X147.968      Y150.662      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X145.242      Y156.190      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X141.818      Y161.315      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X137.754      Y165.948      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X133.120      Y170.012      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X127.996      Y173.436      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X122.468      Y176.162      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X116.632      Y178.143      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X110.587      Y179.345      Z-5.600       R47.114   
       X104.490      Y179.745      Z-5.600       R47.114   
    G1   X48.351   
    G0   Z5.000    
    G0 X0 Y0 (home)
    G0   Z35.560   
    kram242 likes this.
  4. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    @Gadroc, you may be right, BUT, SketchUp is free![​IMG] Also, to be honest, for work in foam and wood, the accuracy that you talk about is not needed.
  5. Gadroc

    Gadroc New Builder

    @JustinTime, It is and I understand why people use it… and people get passionate about their tools! I just do more than SketchUCam can do, which btw is AWESOME value. This means Sketchups anemic export capabilities (3D Surfaces or segmented 2d) becomes a major stumbling block. For wood and foam I would agree… but for something like building an OX I'm a little more careful. A small inaccuracy in a plate could lead to HOURS of frustration trying to square up or track down amplified inaccuracies at the cutting tool.

    Back on topic. My first parts order arrived yesterday, thanks @kram242! I just need to finish up the CAD model to get my cut area where I want it and order the last bits of table support extrusion from misumi and cut the plates (one the aluminum for them arrives.)

    @The Dude have you worked out how/where to mount the limits for the Z axis. It's tight fit to get things where the Z motion would trigger them.
  6. Aleksandar

    Aleksandar New Builder

    I am really looking into building OX as I have been looking to build one router for a while now. The plan is to bild with Aluminium, BUT shipping cost from US is a kill.
    Anybody knows if V-Slot is available in Europe?
  7. DelMar63

    DelMar63 Well-Known Builder

    I am intresting too building OX and I am also from Eurepe . But I would like to know the cost for the OX 2*4 complete kit with the plates. and an estimation for the shipping will be good.....
    Indeed it looks awesome machine.
  8. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    I think that there is an affiliate in Europe. Look for it on the main Openbuild page.
  9. Greenman

    Greenman Journeyman Builder

    There's a guy in England that is a distributor he is called Robo-Cutter Uk. Go to the openbuild store and check the news that is where the announcement of distributors it. Good luck in your builds!
  10. DelMar63

    DelMar63 Well-Known Builder

    Good morning Thanks guys. I will look right away. !!
  11. Colin Russon

    Colin Russon Journeyman Builder

    Just a short note to write that my VPS server is down, the host company (GoDaddy) are onto it but I did not want anybody to think that the website was down for any other reason then the hosting company seems to be having problems with the server. The correct link is www.robocutters.co.uk (when its working again), thanks.

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
  12. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 Journeyman Builder

    The website appears to be working fine. For some reason however the link you provided doesn't click through with the ".uk" at the end so it goes nowhere. Adding the .uk at the end in the address bar allows it to connect. www.robocutters.co.uk
  13. Colin Russon

    Colin Russon Journeyman Builder

    Thanks for the info and yes, all working again now (phew!) and URL edited to go to the website as well...
  14. DelMar63

    DelMar63 Well-Known Builder

    Hey guys. Did anyone try ever to move the whole X axis up and down as Z axis , using two steppers but making the connection of the router more strong because it will stand only at X axis wheels ? Of course this increase the cost of the construction , but do we gain something of it ? More stability let say as more clearance of the height ?. I am asking you because I am going to order materials to construct my own machine and just I had that thought.
  15. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Very interesting idea.
    I use Mach3 as my machine control software and this will only allow for 2 axes to be slaved (such as Y and A for the 2 motors driving the Y axis back and forth). Other machine control software may be different.

    Check out this build http://openbuilds.com/builds/spunks-cam.522/

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
    DelMar63 likes this.
  16. Colin Russon

    Colin Russon Journeyman Builder

    Do you mean like this?
  17. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    My apologies Colin - I must have been editing my post to add the link at the same time you were making your post. :oops:

  18. Colin Russon

    Colin Russon Journeyman Builder

    no need to apologize we were both on the same track :)
  19. Mopar32985

    Mopar32985 Journeyman Builder

    Well since it was a snow day today (around 18" and counting). I got some more dont on my OX. This thing is really starting to impress me very fun build.

    Attached Files:

    kram242 likes this.
  20. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    @Mopar32985, looking, my man, looking good. If you think that this is fun wait until you start cutting things you've designed! :D
  21. Mopar32985

    Mopar32985 Journeyman Builder

    @JustinTime , trust me i cant wait. This V-slot is amazing its like an erector set for machines. The more i use it the more im impressed with it
  22. Mopar32985

    Mopar32985 Journeyman Builder

    One more photo just got my router mounted. In this config i can cut upto 1/2" material.

    Attached Files:

    DelMar63 likes this.
  23. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    I have never seen these inaccuracies you speak of. Can you give the steps to repeat this effect please?
  24. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

  25. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    @David the swarfer, I think he speaks of SketchUp and not SketchUcam. I too, sometimes, encounter inaccuracies in SketchUp. Most of the times it's the results of segmenting arcs and circles but not only there.
  26. Gadroc

    Gadroc New Builder

    Yea the discussion had nothing to do with SketchUCam, it seems to me either SketchUp or possibly just it's export system where they seem to crop up.
  27. Mopar32985

    Mopar32985 Journeyman Builder

    Well guys here is where im at any feedback or suggestions would be great. Im using Mach3.
    blindflight and DelMar63 like this.
  28. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 Journeyman Builder

    "This video is private." --- Unlocking the video would be helpful.
  29. Mopar32985

    Mopar32985 Journeyman Builder

    im sorry haha its public now
  30. Mopar32985

    Mopar32985 Journeyman Builder

    Well Here is my first cut it went better than i thought it would. Cant explain how happy this makes me haha

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