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OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by kram242, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    I figured out the y-axis play issue. It turns out that the gantry plates don't line up the screws perfectly and there's just enough room for them to be assembled out of whack so much that the eccentrics don't cover the play. So the trick is to assemble them in a way that the first bolt you tighten is one of the non-eccentrics and you must push the wheel towards the v-slot while tightening. Then do the same for the other non-eccentric. Then tighten the eccentrics but make sure they are set to have the max play. Anyway, I removed 1/8" of play on my y gantry this way. It will probably slip again when pushed too hard. Hopefully I can make new plates before then...
  2. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    OX makes its first cuts in aluminum and its looking great! :D
    With the OX being a belt driven machine I was surprised to see it how well it worked but circles are close to being round and it did the job with out a hitch.
    I used cutting oil (tapping) thats what I had on hand, I would have ran for the cooking oil but I was mesmerized on the cutting :D
    I used @Robert Hummel settings on the Name file of his OX AI build. 10 inches per minute with 1/64 step down. I can't remember looking at the time but I believe it was about 30 to 45 min cut. Mad props go out to Robert for all the help in getting me cutting aluminum. I had never tried it before and he showed me the ropes and sent me the proper bit :) Thanks bro you rock!
    Couple things to note;
    The GRBL shield does not keep the motors powered once the code is not being sent to the board so you have to keep an eye on the Z axis if your acme has a hi lead pitch. Once the motors are no longer getting commands they are unlocked and that means the Z axis can lower just from the vibration of the router being on in some cases. There is a way to get it to lock in the firmware and we need to find it.
    Chips, every where! You need to put up a couple strips of plastic or poster board or any shield materiel on the sides (inside) to keep the chips from filling up the belt track and coating the wheels. This becomes a quick realization about 5 seconds into the cut :)
    A vacuum attachment is a must.
    Your spoiler board will get oil on it, this is just a heads up really. It has to happen and its no big deal.
    So before getting to cutting any aluminum I would strongly suggest to make the side shields and the vacuum attachment you will not regret the time spent to make them.
    p.s. I know.. I know the plate is mounted backwards (I was in a hurry to get it mounted) :rolleyes:

    This proves that once you have an OX you can make more for friends and family by cutting out plate sets for them :thumbsup:

    On thing I need to figure out now is finishing of aluminum parts like this since this is my first cut. For the moment I just used a toothbrush with soap to clean out the chips when it was done. But there is a little 'rim' along the edges that needs to be knocked down. I was going to try a quick wet sanding for that a little later on.
    Some eye-candy.
    DSC03550.JPG DSC03551.JPG DSC03552.JPG DSC03553.JPG DSC03554.JPG DSC03557.JPG DSC03558.JPG DSC03559.JPG DSC03560.JPG
    Dave M and David the swarfer like this.
  3. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    What's the proper bit?
  4. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    That's what I'm talking about! ;)
    As for the motor problem I did a hardware fix by keeping a constant 5v on the enable pins of the driver boards.
    Have always wired that way so never ran into that issue and it may be that the sheild is turning the enable on and off.
    A simple setting in the firmware to keep this pin high "5vdc" should fix your problem ;)
  5. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    For cleean up a flat surface, sanding block, wet sandpaper "800 grit" and dish soap.
    Light handed sanding in 1 direction and for the edge simply bend off and sand on a agle if you want to keep the tool marks ;)

    I am also working on a build for a tumbler that uses 1-3mm bb's as the tumbling medium :)
    kram242 likes this.
  6. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    It's easier to post pics :)

  7. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Thanks Robert I had intentions on posting that bit picture :D
    Thank you
    sounds like an awesome build!
  8. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    A little side note that I should have said was wax paper is your best friend to save the MDF but the oil should only leave a stain as I have not had expansion issue, just my exp some may have diff results
  9. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Awesome job bud, OX came through on this one.
    Yeh! :cool:
  10. GrandpawB

    GrandpawB Journeyman Builder

    Two questions for anybody:
    1) Where are you getting your pulleys for the OX NEMA 23 steppers?:confused:
    2) How do you post photos on this forum?:banghead: The image icon above asks for a URL. I don't understand.:confused:
  11. SRHaugen

    SRHaugen Well-Known Builder


    I’m going to build the OX CNC Machine and I received the Vslot Profile from UK today and I’m waiting for more hardware from Partstore USA :)
    I have send the DXF file to a few mechanical workshop here in Norway to get a guote on the OX_Plates but It seems they have problem whit the .dxf file. One would like to have the file as a PDF, and another wants it in .x_t or .igs format. Is that something you ore anybody else can help me with?

    Thank you in advance.
  12. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Give these a try: http://www.bbman.com/catalog/product/20-3P06-6FA3
    Also sent to you in the message
    We are working to have all stock updated soon for future builds. :thumbsup:
    Use the Upload a File button (bottom right) not the url image insert (top). I know its confusing and we want to fix that.
  13. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @SRHaugen hmm DXF should be easy for them to work with. Can you ask them what the error is so we can correct it? DXF is really the only way I can export them from SketchUp. Maybe someone with Autocad or Solidworks could try to import them and save them in a different format.
  14. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Try asking http://www.openbuilds.com/members/derwin-palacpac.761/
    As he has had plates water jet cut and in the video it looks to be cad
    Video is posted in the OX AI build
  15. GrandpawB

    GrandpawB Journeyman Builder

    Thanks again Mark.
  16. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Welcome :)
  17. mihaib

    mihaib New Builder

    Regardind the lateral plates for OX, what thickness thet have if they was make from iron? at a plasma cnc machine
  18. asb_79

    asb_79 Well-Known Builder

    This is an awesome, clean design and is next on my build list. I have ordered most of the hardware and now just waiting for the rails to come back into stock before I can get started.

    I had the Gantry plates waterjet cut here in Australia from 6mm Aluminium, they turned out very well. I cut 4 frame corner connecting plates at the same time to better utilise the material. When my eccentrics arrive I'll verify they fit properly in the holes. The holes seem to measure ok though.

    If you are having a hard time finding/making the Gantry plates send me a message and I'll see if I can help.
  19. The Dude

    The Dude Veteran Builder

    I exported the files from sketchup to obj format(I think) and then imported into Blender. From there you can get IGES, STEP, STL, VRML, dxf, dwg, etc etc. Sketchup is the ultimate incompatible format, worse than MSOffice. They force you to use windows to run their program and then force you to upgrade to pro to get your data out in other formats. They give you a limited trial version for free and then lock you out after so many uses. There are dozens of free programs that do everything sketchup does (and more) and they use formats that aren't proprietary.
  20. GrandpawB

    GrandpawB Journeyman Builder

    Just ordered my pulleys from http://www.bbman.com/catalog/product/20-3P06-6FA3 (Thanks again Mark) Had to buy 6 to meet their minimum order of $35.00. Only need 3. Total cost w/shipping was 55.80.:jawdrop: If anybody needs 3 pulleys for their OX build I will have 3 I don't need and would sell for $27.90 w/free shipping. (Paypal preferred) These are the GT2 3mm as in the parts list for the NEMA 23 steppers.
  21. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    That because you need pro to get proper exporters, like most cad system.
    I have to respectfully disagree @The Dude . :p The only limit are the exporters and you can't blame them for wanting to sell that aspect of the program. Most will be using it for commercial at that point anyway.
    I was teaching AutoCAD when I found SketchUp (back when @last owned it) I loved its intuitive gui and ease of use. It took me a little while to break of of the box of doing things one way, but I am glad I did. Sure there are a lot of features that need to be added (parametric) to make Sketchup better and I am hopeful they will be in time. I also believe in the right tool for the job and most cad packages are over kill for the work most of us do in them for hobby/shop use. If I was designing a complex injection mold for a company I would use solidworks or the like. But for modeling up a quick build of a machine, where all I really need to do is move the components in place, Sketchup is what I would use. Honestly though over the years I have found that most complaints about the SketchUp program have people who have not taken the time to learn to use it.
    SketchUp is a free CAD system that works well for those who use it. I have tried all the new crop up of free alternatives out there since the onslaught of people wanting to learn 3D design so they can 3D pint a new stove knob and nothing comes close to the ease of use that SketchUp offers.
    If you have ideas you would like to see in SketchUp 2014 to help make it a better program you can post about them here
    This is just my 2 cent on why I use SketchUp and it works for me. So I guess it really comes down to personal preference for the job at hand.

    @GrandpawB your more them welcome
    That's very cool of you :)
  22. asb_79

    asb_79 Well-Known Builder

    Hi GrandPawB, I'd like to buy your Pulleys if you still have them and if you'll post to Australia.

    I checked out bbman.com, but the min order combined with their international postage option was cost prohibitive.
  23. GrandpawB

    GrandpawB Journeyman Builder

    I know what you mean. Minimum order is $35.00 PLUS once you get to the shipping section you'll find they charge an additional $5.00 for residential delivery. Sorry, but the pulleys I had were sold.
  24. GrandpawB

    GrandpawB Journeyman Builder

    2/28/14 My extra pulleys are sold.
  25. asb_79

    asb_79 Well-Known Builder

    The only shipping option available to me was $82.45 plus the $5 for residential address, The Pulleys themselves only cost $42. Think I'll just wait for them to arrive in the Openbuilds store.
  26. GrandpawB

    GrandpawB Journeyman Builder

  27. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

    I just made the 4 OX CNC plates and they work great.
    I would like to make more sets for others who need them.

    I am charging $150 for the set including free shipping.
    Please contact me at chrisclub@gmail.com

    Here is a video of them assembled:
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
  28. GrandpawB

    GrandpawB Journeyman Builder

    Is there anyone else on this forum who has built the OX CNC router and is using Geckodrive.com NEMA 23 steppers and the G540 control board with Mach3 control software? I need to pick your brain.:banghead:
  29. Gadroc

    Gadroc New Builder

    @GrandpawB I will be using that setup on mine. I currently have a shapeoko built with those components. I've got the 1/4" aluminum sitting waiting for the aluminum cutting end mills so I can cut my plates. Otherwise I have all the parts to make my OX. I'm scaling it up slightly to have a 25"x49" movement/cut area.
  30. dddman

    dddman Journeyman Builder

    Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to separate the 4 plates in the gcode file. My current CNC cutting area isn't big enough to cut it all in one shot.

    Thank you very much!

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