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OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by kram242, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Yusuf Tumer

    Yusuf Tumer Well-Known Builder

    Awesome. I'll be waiting eagerly :)
    kram242 likes this.
  2. mihaib

    mihaib New Builder

    Hello Flo. Can you give me details about shop were you find hf spindle? Thanks
  3. Florian Bauereisen

    Florian Bauereisen Well-Known Builder

    actually you might buy just any of the chinese hf spindles on e-bay.
    I got mine from a company based in Germany for 2 reasons:
    I get a bill and warranty and secondly because you will need to (at least check) make sure about the elect. ground on the spindle.
    As i basically have very little experience with 220V i prefered to pay a bit more for the service - for beeing safe.
    Mine is from Sorotec in Germany, cost arpox 400 Euro but buy on e-bay direct in china youll end up around 250 Euro.
    A FU unit sets you back another say 100 Euro.


  4. Franco Ponticelli

    Franco Ponticelli Well-Known Builder

    Hey guys, this thread became huge so I am sorry if my question has already received an answer before.
    Without changing the elements of the OX, do you believe it could sustain using 1000mm beams for x and y? How do you calculate the effective area given these dimensions?
  5. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    My Y axis on the OX AI is 1250mm
    X 900, all runs smooth by hand electronics are in the works
  6. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @Yusuf Tumer I did a quick carve with a dremel 1/4 wide-1/8th shaft V bit I had laying around and it was not a problem it did great!
    Had a piece of dirty old cedar decking plank laying around (screwed it down to the spoiler board) and used ArtCam for the code

    DSC03624.JPG DSC03625.JPG DSC03627.JPG PXC_29032.jpg

    Also did a more complicated carve and made a short video, enjoy :)
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
    Chris Laidlaw, skarab, asb_79 and 2 others like this.
  7. Mopar32985

    Mopar32985 Journeyman Builder

    Looks great mark I'm loving my machine. Got almost everything working the way I want it.
    kram242 likes this.
  8. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Awesome bro glad to hear it, nothing like having a machine it dialed in. :thumbsup:
    Mopar32985 likes this.
  9. Yusuf Tumer

    Yusuf Tumer Well-Known Builder

    @kram242 That's exactly what I was after. Thanks!
    kram242 likes this.
  10. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    More then welcome @Yusuf Tumer it was fun to try and now I want to make more with a better bit :)
  11. Yusuf Tumer

    Yusuf Tumer Well-Known Builder

    Was the tear out in the photo's due to the quality of the bit or because you were running a 'roughing' speed/feed?
  12. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    It was really my first time trying this style an I think a combination of feed rate/dull burnt bit was causing the tear look. Once the bit did its other passes and as it reached the proper depth it cleaned all the tears out. I am confident that once we get this cutting technique dialed in it will come out look fantastic!
    Yusuf Tumer likes this.
  13. Yusuf Tumer

    Yusuf Tumer Well-Known Builder

    Don't get me wrong. The finish in the video looked much better as the router did it's final passes. I was just curious as I don't have much experience in these things.
  14. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    As for V carving I am new as well :) After the milling I went back and lightly hit the surface with sand paper and it looked great.
    I would like to try and stain the wood first and then do the v carve and see how that turns out.
    Mopar32985 likes this.
  15. Yusuf Tumer

    Yusuf Tumer Well-Known Builder

    @kram242 Another thing you can try is paint/stain the surface a single colour, mask it, route the pattern using a down cut spiral tool, paint the routed bits a different colour and then peel the masking off. I've never tried it but I have seen in done in a few places on the internet :)
    kram242 likes this.
  16. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Nice work Mark - take care, you can get hooked on V-Carving :)

    kram242 likes this.
  17. Travis

    Travis Well-Known Builder

    Hey guys, I'm new here just signed up, but I really would like to build the OX. My only question is inquriey on the OX Plates, are they going to be an option soon? I was just wondering because I want to order everything and was about to, but I dont want to order everything and be short one part. Thx for your time, hope to hear back soon on my options :)
  18. asb_79

    asb_79 Well-Known Builder

    I can supply Waterjet cut Gantry plates and frame joiners. Check my thread in the forums.

    There are at least a couple of others supplying machined plates.
  19. Robb

    Robb New Builder

    I just ordered some a couple days ago from ASB_79. Look forward to getting them!
  20. Robb

    Robb New Builder

    This is all new to me, I've built 3D printers, but not much of a woodworker in the past. What spindle would your recommend? I am planning on building a big Ox and will likely use CamBam as part of my toolchain. I'd like something that would be computer controlled on the spindle as I would be a little more comfortable. I did see the need for an emergency stop button and plan to put one in. Planning on having my teenage son and daughter help me with this.
  21. danstrider

    danstrider Well-Known Builder

    Hi all,
    Finished building enough to get a first cut out of my Ox this morning. Toolpathing had the little nibs in the corners, so those are on me and not the machine.
    I have 750mm y-axis rails, which gives about 20.5" of tool travel. The x-axis is 650mm, giving about 18.5" of tool travel. Z-axis travel is around 3" and limited effectively by the height of the large plates and the distance between the spoilboard and the bottom of the z-axis.
    My one squawk is how the z-axis wheels tighten onto the z-axis rail. I'm not sure if it was my drilling of the hole locations or the distance between them on the drawing, but they need to be about a half mm closer together. This leads to some y-direction flex at the tip of the tool when loaded up. There is also a little torsional rotation in the pair of x-axis rails that I can see; maybe pinning these together will help.
    A few of the first projects will be making a real router mount, cutting all the plates (by machine this time rather than center-punching and drill pressing), and some form of dust collection.
    Thanks for the original Ox drawings and the detailed parts list. I bought stuff before folks had the plates available and before Openbuilds got steppers, rod, etc, so the parts are a mash-up of different suppliers.
    2014-03-29 09.09.54.jpg 2014-03-28 19.52.34.jpg 2014-03-20 21.44.47.jpg 2014-03-19 21.28.34.jpg
    kram242 and Robert Hummel like this.
  22. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Nice work Dan :thumbsup:

  23. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    I like the way your steppers are connected to the hub, Dan. Looks really clean.

    If you cut new plates with your router, maybe add two holes in the x axis stepper plates so that the belt will have two idelers that will force more belt over the stepper pulley.
  24. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Great job!
    Look forward to your self upgrades :)
  25. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Very nice build @danstrider way to go!:thumbsup: Love seeing another OX in the wild :)
    Thank you for posting your build pics I'm looking forward to your mods and I too agree with the stepper connections very nice and clean.
    Hope this machine brings you tons of enjoyment and inspires you to create great projects.
  26. Travis

    Travis Well-Known Builder

    Thx asb, I appreciate the info, but i actually am having them made by a friend.
  27. Travis

    Travis Well-Known Builder

    Also, just ordered all the parts for the OX build, I cant wait till all the parts come in and I can start making it :)
    Yusuf Tumer and kram242 like this.
  28. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

    Hi Travis,
    If your friend has trouble, send me an email at chrisclub@gmail.com
    I have made and shipped over 15 sets of the Openbuilds OX CNC plates, and everyone is extremely happy with them.
    They are CNC machined using 9 different tools, chamfered, deburred and the aluminum is brushed.
    They are $150 for the set, including free Priority mail shipping with a tracking number within the US. It is $40 extra for international shipping... I have shipped to US, Germany and Norway so far. I also have them listed on Ebay.

    Attached Files:

  29. MartinTurner

    MartinTurner New Builder

    Hi Guys.

    Just managed to purchase all the OX parts from RoboCutters in the UK and i can't wait to get started on the build.
    Just got a few questions - Hope you don't mind...

    Does anyone know if a variable speed router spindle would be a good idea, if so can anyone recommend one?
    Where do you get your router bits from ?
    What would be the best type of bit for cutting balsa wood ?

  30. dddman

    dddman Journeyman Builder

    Would it be 40$ extra for Canada too? I can't imagine that it is the same price worldwide.

    Thank you!

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