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OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by kram242, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Very solid looking table @Travis - I am looking forward to following the rest of your build. :thumbsup:

    ( I use Mach3 and Vectric software so I know you are definitely off to a good start. :) )

  2. skrider

    skrider Well-Known Builder

    Nice table, @Travis! As a bonus, if the building above you ever collapses, the table looks like it will function nicely as a shelter! :)
  3. Travis

    Travis Well-Known Builder

    Thx Tweakie, I'm def looking foward to starting :)

    @skrider - :D Yeah I'm a pretty avid woodworker, and I like to overbuild everything just to make sure I get zero racking once my machine is mounted on it :)

    Also I was just curious, about the v-groove extrusion, I know they said it would be (in stock) on or around today april 10th. But I was just curious if anyone had any information on a more exact date. Just wondering :D
  4. Said

    Said Well-Known Builder

    I'm new in the world of cnc and I plan to make one in the same genre as this one but with greater dimension. I would like to know the maximum weight of the spindle that can rise above, if someone has an answer it would be very nice of him.
    thank you.
  5. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    @Travis, that table looks good! I would add casters to it for just in case it has to be moved some times.:) I do it on all my machines, by the way.:D
  6. GorillaBob

    GorillaBob New Builder

    So I have almost all the parts on hand or ordered, except for those that aren't in stock at the parts store and a controller. The controller listed in the parts list is sold out currently. Is there another recomended controller that any one has used? This will be my first build so good documentation is a plus! :)
  7. Travis

    Travis Well-Known Builder

    @JustinTime, yeah i weighed the options of putting casters on, and the only reason I didnt was because I'm in a small space, and if i wanted to move it, I couldnt anyway :) But it does have sliding levelers on it, so it glides nicely if by chance i did have to move bit :)
  8. Travis

    Travis Well-Known Builder

    @Said, not entirely sure of your question, did you want to know the spindle weight to max height capability with out deflection?
    Because if you search google, you can fine deflection calculators. :)
  9. Said

    Said Well-Known Builder

    The spindle motor that I want to buy is 7 kg or 16 pounds and I wanted to know if the OX CNC machine can support the weight of the spindle. Sorry for my English is not very good.
  10. Travis

    Travis Well-Known Builder

    16 pounds is pretty heavy, but my guess with the double rail construction of the x axis, which will be holding the point load of the spindle, im sure your deflection wouldnt be to bad. but really it depends on many factors. Such as how wide your gantry will be, along with how many inches of travel you are planning to get out of your z axis. Another important factor is a good mount for your heavy spindle, in your case with a 16 pound spindle, you should think about getting a heavy aluminum billet mount.
    But I'm sure there are others here who might be able to better answer your question, but those are just my thoughts :)
  11. Travis

    Travis Well-Known Builder

    @ GorillaBob, there are many places to find controllers, such as DIYCNC, or Automation Technologies, and I'm sure the list goes on.
    I would maybe try and talk to some of the more experienced guys here and see what their recommendations are. :)
  12. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    That spindle motor is really way too heavy unless this is for a specialised application.

    I am sure that the Z axis would have no trouble lifting the 7 kg weight but the additional 'mass' that it would add to the X and Y axes would require extremely reduced axis acceleration and thus make the machine very slow in operation.

  13. Said

    Said Well-Known Builder

    Thank you TRAVIS and TWEAK for your answers, I'll post soon a project, you can better understand my problem
  14. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    First post here. I'm very interested in building an OX. I've already got a buildlog 2.x laser, a couple of 3d printers and an old DIY cnc router.

    I've got one question at this point. Is there a way to get a dxf or dwg file for the OX plates? I see that the plates are in the "OpenBuilds _OX_CNC_Router_70.skp" file. However, I'm honestly not good enough with Sketchup to export the plates. Any help would be appreciated

  15. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    :oops: Please disregard. I've found the correct file.

  16. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Glad you found it Brian, have fun with the build my friend :thumbsup:
  17. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    I placed an order for most of the parts this morning. I decided to go with the black rails because that's what was in stock...they also look cool!

    The 8mm Acme Nut Blocks, GT3 Pulleys and the Double Universal L Brackets were out of stock. Is there a way to get notified when they are back in stock?

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
  18. Karl Miller

    Karl Miller New Builder

    First, thanks so much for this amazing build. It really appears to be shaping up quite nicely.
    Sorry in advance for the multiple questions but:
    1) I am a little confused about the "purpose" of this machine, or rather where it is targeted to be used. Is this meant to be a very solid CNC mill that is as sturdy as other builds like it you see on CNCZone, etc.? If not, are there cheap ways of getting that ROCK-SOLID feel?

    2) I noticed that when I add up all the costs, I see a cost just over $700 US (I still see some parts as not in the store yet), but is my math about right? (I know there is no table and router as part of the build).

    3) what is a good all-purpose router to use that allows for cutting hardwoods and alumininum?

    4) Has anybody attempted to use the Smoothieboard with this?

    5) Can I use the larger build to cut printed circuit boards, parts out of 3"x3" aluminum block or is it too large for fine control?

    6) has anybody used a more sturdy spindle/belts for higher stability and precision (I know this is general, but I am looking for more of a incremental improvement-type suggest on this build)?

    Thanks so much,
    Karl Miller
  19. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    I'm starting to think about the details of my upcoming OX build and I was wondering...

    Has anyone one come up with a good setup for cable carriers/wire tracks on a bigger OX (750mm X 1500mm)?

  20. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I'm working that out myself, not sure how I want to do things yet
  21. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    @bhalkett & @Robert Hummel, are you asking what to use or how to install it? As for the 'what' I used a cable carrier that I purchase on eBay. It came from China. It was discussed in this forum a while ago (I think in this thread). I think it was like $8 shipped from China. Very happy with it and it can be extended.
  22. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I am going to use drag chain also but just not sure of my plan of attack :)
  23. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    @JustinTime & @Robert Hummel - I was thinking of a drag chain cable carrier. Pictures and links (ebay or otherwise) or products and installation would be great!

  24. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    This is what I'm looking at getting
  25. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    That's pretty big (wide) stuff. Any particular reason for going with something so big? You're making me wonder if I'm forgetting something.

  26. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Spindle wires, motor wires, limit switches and anything else I may want.
    I like my wires flat and not bunched up and use shielded wire for everything so it adds up and you want room for the flex
  27. dddman

    dddman Journeyman Builder

    So anyone with the length of the Z axis extrusion and leadscrew?
  28. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    Per the parts list the Z axis extrusion is 180mm long. The leadscrew should be a "bit" longer than this to allow for it to fully engage the bearings and the coupler at the top.

  29. skrider

    skrider Well-Known Builder

    Speaking of this, do any of you use the multi-conductor wire with multiple limit switches in a single run? A four conductor wire could support three limit switches (assuming a common output, which most boards seem to use), and would significantly reduce the number of leads that have to run through the drag chain. Is there a chance of crosstalk between the switch signals if you do so? Is this a bad idea?
  30. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I have had issues with noise in the past and rather not take the chance.

    I run everything separate as in limit switches in 1 multi conductor, power in another, motors have their own and so on

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