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OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by kram242, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

    Well, I only know Germany and Norway so far, and they were almost exactly the same price. I suspect Canada should be less too... I'll check with the post office. The cost to Norway was less than the person paid me for the international shipping, so I refunded the difference.
  2. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    A variable speed router is the way most go. That way you can change your speed to suit your material and bit size. For balsa use a 1/6" bit. That's what I'm using, anyway. I get my bits form, mainly, two places. China and the US. I buy them on ebay.
  3. MartinTurner

    MartinTurner New Builder

    Thanks Justin...
    Just managed to pick up one of these today...Variable Speed Makita Router for £99 and 2 bits - a two mm and a 1/8 from Craft Pro (Trend). I think it should do the job. It has a chip extractor attachment - Hope I can use it.

    What sort of quality cut do you get with 1/8 inch balsa? Ribs any good ?
    By the way - How did you cut your VSlot?

    Cheers Mate
  4. dddman

    dddman Journeyman Builder

    I use a miter saw with a 40 teeth blade, nothing special. The first cut is a little scary but it's not worse than wood to cut (I suggest that you make your cut a little bit slower that you would for wood)
    kram242 likes this.
  5. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

  6. Chris Laidlaw

    Chris Laidlaw Well-Known Builder

    Ox PLates.jpg View attachment 2078
    I checked, and Canada is only $10 less than Europe. So it would be $30 extra instead of $40.
    US Priority mail shipments are free/included in the $150 price.
    Please send me an email at chrisclub@gmail.com if you would like to order a set of the Ox plates.
    Best wishes,
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
  7. Giuliano M

    Giuliano M Well-Known Builder


    Can an Ox be made with 1500mm beams to get a cutting volume of around 48x48"?

    Would the 2 x 20x60mm beams 1500mm long be strong enough across the X axis?

    I would most likely use the aluminum end plates for this.

    I've been playing around with the Sketchup model of the larger Ox with 1000mm x 1500mm beams, similar to the Ox MAX...

  8. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Sure I can't see why not. That could work and would be a cool machine. You could always bolt 3 of the 20x60 together to get and stronger beam if need be.
  9. Giuliano M

    Giuliano M Well-Known Builder

    Then I will play around with the Sketchup model and see what I can come up with... :)

  10. DelMar63

    DelMar63 Well-Known Builder

    Hello to all of you. My name is Mario and I am from Greece. I have already made a gantry of 1500 mm Y axis and a 1000 mm of X axis but I am ready to resize it at 1500 mm too. I am using a strong extruded common al I had it in my yard 40 by 40 mm of 1600 mm length combining with open rail of 1500 mm long , but I forgot two open rails in my last order so I finally ordered last week and I hope I will get them soon. Of course I will post my project when I finished all of it but right now I find a problem at sketchup with sketchUcam. Since your last post about sketchUcam-1_1d.rbz I try very hard to make a simple design just a cut , it creates the code but every time I try to visualize it with plot Gcode first in the first click donot respond at all and in the second click it prompts an error like " 3.175 is not a valid floating point alum." And this happens whatever number I use for the z axis for safe pass. Can anyone help me what is could be wrong ?
    Best regards
  11. Giuliano M

    Giuliano M Well-Known Builder

    What do you think of this?

    The 2 x 20x60mm gantry beams are the widest at 1500mm so I don't have to cut them.

    I may try to squeeze 3 x 20x60mm beams together, with triple-rail wheels on some much longer bolts...

    Edit: Updated with more supports underneath, and 48" wide spoiler board insert.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
  12. DelMar63

    DelMar63 Well-Known Builder

    also this happens in your ready desings for plates with sketchup. Can this problem caused by the sketchup make 2014 version i use ?
  13. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

  14. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @Giuliano M Nice looking machine!
    I would think you could get away with the double wheel sets on the outside beams, because the beam is there more to keep the rigidity over the long span, but hey more wheels means better alignments and over all strength so thats a good thing too.
    Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:

    OpenBuilds_OX_CNC_Router - 48x48.jpg
  15. Giuliano M

    Giuliano M Well-Known Builder


    I priced out a parts list based on your list here, and the total was about $1100 - everything except for the router.

    This will probably take me a few months to buy, so I'll make my own "Build" to track it.
  16. kram242

    kram242 OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Very cool , looking forward to that build! :thumbsup:
  17. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Please post the .skp file and the .cnc you generated so I can look at them.
  18. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    kram242 likes this.
  19. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder


  20. DelMar63

    DelMar63 Well-Known Builder

    Hello David and thank you very much for your interesting. In fact I use as an example the skp file for the plate1 , but the same happens to all others plates and of course at any design I make. I generate the Gcode from sketchUcam and I use both controllers Grbl and GCodeSender and my machine works ok. But I can not visualize the workflow as Mark shows at his video part 2 for OX. Whenever ask to visualize the workflow it prompt me that message " value 5 is not a floating point". And it refers for the height of the safe pass over the material.
    I don't know if this happens because I use the sketchup make 2014 with sketchUcam 1.1d.
    I hope you can help me somehow
  21. DelMar63

    DelMar63 Well-Known Builder

    David I send you as you asked me the .cnc file for the plate 4 as have created from sketchUcam , and this file runs normal at grbl and in GcodeSender too. But it prompts the same error for the plotting
    thank you

    Attached Files:

  22. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    The file is just fine, and gplot.exe opens it for me.
    The problem is your national formatting settings (a Windows setting under ControlPanel|Regional).
    Your national number format is being used by the program to try and interpret the numbers but is failing because your country format setting does not match what is there.
    The numbers are formatted as '5.0' <- with a 'point' not a comma (,)
    larger numbers would be formatted as 1234.8 (NOT 1,234.8)
    so you need to change your regional number format to use a point rather than a comma and gplot will be happy.

    I'm on my linux box now otherwise I'd give you a step by step for changing it on windows, if you cannot figure it out, google 'regional number format win7'
  23. oni305

    oni305 Veteran Builder

    It would be nice if there was a chance to buy the complete OX kit directly from the Openbuilds part store...

    where can I buy a mechanical kit of the OX? Only robocutters.co.uk or there are other options
    Anthony Webb and Robert Hummel like this.
  24. DelMar63

    DelMar63 Well-Known Builder

    Yes yes yes . David you were absolute right about the windows configuration. In fact I couldn't imagine at all. Thank you very much.
    I will soon post some photos when I will receive the open rails and complete my project.
    Best regards
    Robert Hummel likes this.
  25. MechEng

    MechEng Well-Known Builder

    Hey guys,

    I got about 7 pages in and didn't see any discussion as to where we can purchase the side plates, so I thought I would just ask. Anyone know of a shop that will do it on the cheap?
  26. dddman

    dddman Journeyman Builder

    I received my OX Al plates from Robert today! So I have enough material to start the build! I started the build video to follow it and I have some questions/comments:

    - What is the length of the Z axis 20X60?
    - What is the length of the leadscrew?
    - For eberybody information, I found some error in the video, mostly for the length of the screws. You use a ton of 10mm M5 screws in the video, but they are not in the part list, are they replaced for the 15mm one? What is the length of the M5 screws which are holding the 6 wheels of the Z axis?

    That's it for now, I'm still waiting for the missing parts to continue the project!

    Thank you very much!
  27. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    @dddman the Z bolts are 45mm
  28. dddman

    dddman Journeyman Builder

    Does anyone have an answer to these?:

    - What is the length of the Z axis 20X60?
    - What is the length of the leadscrew?
  29. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    That info depends on the build, them two lengths can very depending on what spindle your using and how much travel you require

    When I get home I will tell you the lengths I used for reference
  30. Travis

    Travis Well-Known Builder

    Hey guys, just thought I'd throw an update in and, what size machine I was planning on building, also what parts and software I'll be using once the build starts. My plan is to build a 1000x1500 machine, I ordered extra extrusion, for extra bracing in any areas I feel will require it. I'v also ordered all nema 23 motors instead of 3 - 23's and a 17. Because of the fact that I ordered all 23's I had to increase the size of the threaded rod plate that the z axis motor will mount to. I have made a sketch up file for this new part, but will wait untill I try it out myself before I post the part file to share. I'v also used 1/4 aluminum for the OX plates, which seem like they will be very rigid. I'm also going to run my wires in a plug and play system with a pc case that I will arrange all of the electronics in, so i'v purchased cable carriers to better control wire management, and keep everything neat. I'v built a support table which I will be mounting the OX cnc to, it cost me 130.00 to build, I will also post some pictures of that. It is a 2x4 build with a double layer of MDF for the top. I'v also added levelers to the legs of the table. For the price spent to build the table, it is extremely solid. For the software, I know it's not an option for some right away, but I purchased V-carve pro & Cut 3D bundle from vectric, along with a Mach3 licence from new fangled. I'v already been spending a bunch of time getting familiar with the software. The ease of use for the vectric programs is very nice. So to summarize where i'm at, I have the software, electronics, gantry plates, everything but the aluminum extrusion, so as soon as that gets shipped and delivered, I'll be starting on getting everything assembled. Thanks for taking the time for a long winded read, and hopefully very soon I can get back to you with my build progress, and some detailed picture documentation of the build. :) WP_20140405_001.jpg WP_20140405_002.jpg WP_20140405_003.jpg WP_20140405_004.jpg WP_20140405_005.jpg WP_20140405_006.jpg WP_20140405_007.jpg WP_20140405_008.jpg WP_20140405_009.jpg WP_20140405_010.jpg WP_20140405_011.jpg WP_20140405_012.jpg WP_20140405_013.jpg WP_20140405_014.jpg WP_20140405_015.jpg

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