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OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by kram242, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. skrider

    skrider Well-Known Builder

    Okay, you convinced me. Just thought I'd check! :D
  2. TahoeTim

    TahoeTim Well-Known Builder

    I am using a smoothieboard. My parts are on order. I plan on setting the max output to 2 amps with the option to add drivers later if needed.
  3. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    That's the one I was talking about but mine is only 10x10. It's tight but it works. Maybe 10x15 would have been a bit better. I'm sure that for most applications 10x25 will be plenty. The signal wires for all the end switches and so on can be very thin.
  4. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    @TohoeTim - I also have a smoothieboard that I've been considering its use on my OX. However, I'm shying away from using it mainly because it uses the A4892 stepper drivers which only support 2A per winding. It seems counter intuitive but in some ways the gShield might actually be a better choice for the OX since it uses the TI DRV8818 Stepper Drivers which are good from 2.5A per winding. However, it's big problem is that it only has 3x drivers. :(

    The TinyG has 4x drivers but is WAY more expensive!

    Short of running external stepper drivers from the smoothieboard the Azteeg X5 is probably a pretty good choice since it uses 4x of the DRV8825 stepper drivers which also support 2.5A per winding. For those who don't know the X5 runs the smoothie firmware.

    It's also worth noting that Panucatt--the company that makes the Azteeg X5 controller--is coming out with a CNC specific version of the X5 soon. It will support replaceable drivers (ala Ramps), as well as, the ability to plug in external drivers in the 3.5A per winding range.


    p.s. Tim do you live in Tahoe? I'm down the road from South Lake Tahoe on 50.

  5. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    I hear you...but there should also be plenty of space for the bigger carrier.
  6. TahoeTim

    TahoeTim Well-Known Builder

    Yep, I live in South Lake Tahoe. I'm gonna try it with the board limited to 2 amps. I am a rookie so I haven't a clue if it will work. They referred me to an $18 driver per motor part that I can add later.

    I am also wondering if a 24 volt power supply will compensate?​
  7. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    I'm far from the expert regarding electronics (or most anything for that matter) but it's my understanding that using higher voltage (e.g. 24 versus 12 Volts) will allow the windings to come up to peak voltage quicker. In general move voltage the better. I don't know about the $18 drivers but there is definitely a limit to both the amps and volts that you can run through the smoothie. Got a link for the $18 drivers?

    Just a thought...I guess I could hook my smoothie to my current cnc router and see how it works. Right now I'm using LinuxCNC with an older Xylotex driver board so I would have to do some rewiring.

  8. TahoeTim

    TahoeTim Well-Known Builder

    From Arthur: THB 7128

    If you slow down the feed, will it reduce the amp draw? My comment about the voltage was based on my thought that doubling the voltage results in half the amps? I am an electrician but this is my first try at a router.

    looking for enlightenment...
  9. Jestah

    Jestah Journeyman Builder

    Hi Guys,

    Just about to start putting togehter my first OX and wondering if I could get a recomendation as to the weight I can mount on the Z axis. I plan to use the standard 8mm screw and nut from the parts store.

    I have a 2.2kw chinesse spindle and mount that I would like to use but its not light..... Do I need to think about something smaller?
  10. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I think a 2.2kw would be to heavy I have 1 for a future build
  11. Jestah

    Jestah Journeyman Builder

    ya i am looking for a smaller one as they are about half the weight but even then the RCmotor spindle with an ER11 collet chuck seems like a really nice balance between power and overall weight. This looks like it would beat the pants out of a dermal but how is it up against a wood router?
  12. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    It deff puts a drem to shame, wood router would be stronger but then your back to the weight issue again along with size.
    Jestah likes this.
  13. Jestah

    Jestah Journeyman Builder

    Ok sign me up for a set as soon as you can ;) just hurry up and take my money already as your parts all look amazing!
    bhalkett and kram242 like this.
  14. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    On the mill now
  15. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    +1 - I'm also interested and have sent you a PM.

  16. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I will try to squeeze you in ;)
  17. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    All done!
    I have press fit the 608 zz bearings in place for you :)
    Needed to complete
    4 x 45mm M4 screws
    5045 900KV RC motor
    80 amp ESC
    ER11 100mm C8 collet
    What ever collet inserts you plan to use, I only use 1/8 and 1/4 inch myself ;)
    You can prob find a motor ESC combo for a good deal on eBay and the collet shouldn't be more then $16 on eBay
    Be sure the motors shaft is 8mm when buying your motor as everything slides onto the 8mm collet see the OX RC spindle build for details :)
    bhalkett and Jestah like this.
  18. Jestah

    Jestah Journeyman Builder

    So here I am giggling like a school girl insisting that my girlfriend comes and checks out my new parts....

    She ask why on earth she is being forced to look at more cnc parts this early in the morning ....

    Same reason I have to watch you look at pages and pages of shoes .... Cause they are purrry and spakle and will look really nice with that little black OX number I have sitting in my workshop....

    Vengeance is mine!

    Huge thanks to Robert for getting this custom order done in lest time than most shops take to quote a job in! Stellar services and highly recommended to all!
    bhalkett and Robert Hummel like this.
  19. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    Hey Robert,

    I've ordered the motor, ESC and the collet...No pressure!

    Question...is the a place where I can download current drawings of the machined parts?

  20. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    The current files are not uploaded but I will try to get them posted
    I should have enough plate to have a kit for you soon.
  21. Stew Skinner

    Stew Skinner Well-Known Builder

    Would ferrite cores reduce signal noise?

  22. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I have tried with no success but that may have bin on my part lol
    I'm just a hobbyist
  23. oni305

    oni305 Veteran Builder

    Robert, i've a couple of questions:
    Do you use a Battery or a Power Supply?
    How much current does it draw?
    Supply voltage?
    Total Power?
  24. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran Builder

    @Robert Hummel, are you cutting all these parts with a outrunner as a spindle?
  25. Stellanhaglund

    Stellanhaglund New Builder

    What would you say is the total weight for this machine?
  26. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I use a 10 amp 12DC power supply

    No, I'm now using a 1.5kw spindle.
    After milling all the 3/8 plate with my last RC Spindle I decided to go bigger so that I could push it a lot harder
  27. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Your kit is done, I just need your full mailing address for shipping cost
    Going to the post office today, let me know
    bhalkett likes this.
  28. bhalkett

    bhalkett Well-Known Builder

    Hey Robert,

    They look great! Sending you a PM now.

  29. SlyClockWerkz

    SlyClockWerkz Journeyman Builder

    Do you mill all these aluminum parts with the rc spindle? I've had my eye on your design for awhile
  30. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    No what you see in the pic is what I ship.
    The end user will need to get an RC 5045 with 8mm shaft, ER11 collet 100mm long, 80 amp ESC and 4 x M4 x 45mm screws.
    Then it's just a matter of assembly like in the build log.

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