The NFC Forum has signed an IoT liaison agreement with AIM along with the expansion of an existing relationship with the Japan Automotive Software Platform and Architecture (JasPar) organization.
The AIM liaison agreement focuses on the IoT market, furthering an NFC Forum objective to partner with complimentary technologies to use NFC to help connect, commission and control the predicted 36 billion IoT devices in use by 2020. The JasPar relationship was enhanced to allow the two groups to work more closely together to expand the use of NFC in the automotive market. JasPar recently started a Digital Car Key group within the organization as a target application for NFC.
AIM and the NFC Forum will work together to mutually educate the market and help build the ecosystem for NFC for IoT and industrial applications. AIM (Advancing Identification Matters) is an industry alliance that represents any organization that uses, implements, resells, or develops technology around bar coding, RFID, and/or mobility technology. The alliance is essential to enabling adoption, growth and interoperability related to Automated Data Capture technologies and the enterprises that use this technology in the marketplace.
JasPar is an automotive association tasked with standardizing and improving advanced electronic control system software and in-vehicle networks. This agreement deepens the existing partnership between JasPar and the NFC Forum to include the co-development of NFC automotive use cases and requirements, co-creation of non-technical documents and the sharing of technical documents and specifications.
Click here to see all the liaison partners.