Frequency Doublers

312 Frequency Doublers from 15 manufacturers listed on everything RF
Frequency Doublers from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the filters to narrow down on products based on your requirement. Download Datasheets, Compare products and Request Quotations. Your Inquiry will be directed to the manufacturer and their distributors who will get back to you with a quote.
Description: 5 to 15 GHz Double Balanced Frequency Doubler
Input Frequnecy:
5 t0 15 GHz
Package Type:
Surface Mount
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Description: 20-40 GHz Passive Frequency Doubler
Input Frequnecy:
20 to 40 GHz
Input Power:
15 dBm
Package Type:
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Description: 8 to 12 GHz (Input), Active Frequency Doubler for LO chains in Point-to-Point Radios and Cellular Backhaul Applications
Input Frequnecy:
8 to12 GHz
Output Power:
17 dBm
130 mA
Input Power:
-5 to 5 dBm
Package Type:
Surface Mount
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Description: 7 to 28 GHz MMIC GaAs Frequency Doubler
Input Frequnecy:
3.5 to 14 GHz
Input Power:
12 to 18 dBm
Package Type:
Surface Mount
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Input Frequnecy:
2000 to 9000 MHz
Output Power:
-12 dBm
Input Power:
3 to 8 dBm
Package Type:
Module with Connectors
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Description: 8-24 GHz Frequency Multiplier (Doubler)
Input Frequnecy:
4000 to 10000 MHz
Output Power:
14 dBm
Input Power:
3 dBm
Package Type:
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Input Frequnecy:
50 to 1000 MHz
Input Power:
10 dBm
Package Type:
Module with Connectors
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Description: Frequency Doubler & Quadrupler
Input Frequnecy:
1 to 500 MHz
Input Power:
10 dBm
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Description: 7 to 11 GHz (C and X Band) Passive Frequency Doubler
Input Frequnecy:
7 to 11 GHz
Output Power:
5 dBm
Input Power:
15 dBm
Package Type:
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Description: 9 to 13 GHz, Multi Octave Bandwidth Frequency Doubler
Input Frequnecy:
9 to 13 GHz
Input Power:
16 to 19 dBm
Package Type:
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More about Frequency Doublers

Frequency Doublers are devices that double the frequency of the input signal. They are non-liner circuits that distort the input signal to generate harmonics of the signal. A band pass filter is then used to select the frequency which is two times that of the input signal.

Key Specifications

Input Frequency (MHz): This is the input frequency that is to be doubled.

Out Power (dBm): This is the power of the signal whose frequency is double of the input signal.

Conversion Loss (dB): This is the total loss in the signal amplitude of the output signal with double the frequency.

If you are looking for devices that have a different multiplying factor such as 3x, 4x. 6x etc. Look at the Frequency Multiplier category.

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