5G researchers and R&D designers face critical challenges when it comes to physical layer modeling and simulation. Issues exist across the entire communication chain, including baseband, RF/antenna, and channel model simulation. Learn a cross-domain, model-based simulation approach to evaluate throughput performance of the mmWave channel and beamforming array antenna with hardware impairments and reference baseband models that support the 3GPP NR standard.
Three Key Learnings:
- Learn how a 5G system architect should think about simulation.
- Understand the basics of system modeling and simulation.
- See a real-world example of a mmWave channel and beamforming array antenna.
Sangkyo Shin
Product Planning and Application Developer
Keysight Technologies
Sangkyo is a 5G product planner and application developer. He specializes in wireless communications, RF transceiver design, and digital signal processing. He has been working as a system engineer and wireless application consultant for over 19 years at Keysight Technologies, contributing to various custom solutions and technical paper development.