Spectrum regulators, world-wide, are recognizing the need to open up new spectrum to support the rapidly growing use of high speed data. In July, 2016, the US FCC opened up nearly 11 GHz of spectrum in the mmWave frequency range. Specifically; 27.5 to 28.35 GHz, 37 to 38.6 GHz. 38.6 to 40 GHz, and 64 to 71 GHz. Users will expect their devices, with this new spectrum, to function similarly to their current devices. New Machine-to-Machine (M2M) devices will need to work in closets and cabinets inside buildings.

While outdoor propagation of this mmWave spectrum is well known, few studies have been done in-building. Anritsu is a leader in mmWave measurement test equipment and offers the MG369xC Series Signal Generators and MS2720T Series of portable spectrum analyzers covering the new 5G frequencies to 40 GHz. This white paper outlines procedures to make mmWave in-building propagation predictions and measurements.
With the operational costs associated with 5G mmWave deployments of chief concern to operators, easy to use tools will be required to enable field technicians to quickly and economically map the coverage of future 5G mmWave radios. Complex and heavy engineering setups will not be practical. Test procedures and equipment need to be as economical and simple for 5G as those used to set-up WiFi networks today. The portable, Android-based solution presented below provides excellent first order coverage estimations suitable for real-world deployments.