The mobile communication industry has an increasing demand for smaller connectors with an improved PIM performance and a fail-proof coupling mechanism. It enables antenna and radio unit interfaces to become smaller while supporting a greater number of ports and at the same time reduces installation and PIM risks. The new 4.3-10 connector system is specified and developed to meet the requirements of mobile communication industry. This new connector could replace the common used 7-16 connector.

This new 4.3-10 connector undisputedly provides key improvements for future base station sites: smaller connector size, better PIM performance independent of coupling torque, and easier installation. However, given the large legacy in field using 7-16 connectors, an uncoordinated transition of the different industry partners to 4.3-10 based products creates related issues for operators, installers and suppliers. Therefore NGMN 4.3-10 connector taskforce was set up to harmonize the migration to this new connector.
The NGMN 4.3-10 connector taskforce team worked out a 4.3-10 connector migration proposal for radio unit, antenna and antenna line devices, including migration scenarios and corresponding cable configuration strategies, and End of Life (EoL) proposal for the 7-16 connector, which will be stated in this white paper. This NGMN white paper serves as a guideline for 4.3-10 connector migration, which is expected to lead to less installation efforts, fewer site visits, less CAPEX and OPEX, and better planning for all involved parties.