Chip Antennas for GNSS: Top Performance in a Small, Efficient and Cost-effective Package

Chip antenna technology has been proven to deliver a top GNSS performance in a variety of tracking devices, fleet management and wearable applications. Usually a ceramic patch antenna is the option of choice for its traditional connection with satellite systems applications in terms of a good reception if the receiver is reasonably stable with respect to the GNSS satellite constellation and if the application has no relevant space and cost constrains.

Nowadays, the range of portable devices is very large, all of them have different sizes and requirements and the most important consideration: they are located everywhere and not always stable and facing to the satellite reception. Therefore, a small and versatile antenna is needed to integrate into a portable device that allows this final device to receive the best GNSS signal regardless of the satellite location. At this point, with the endless diversity of new devices requiring versatile GNSS connection, is when chip antennas become the perfect choice where size, weight, portability and cost are a priority.