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  1. Polytonic / Glitter

    Dead Simple OpenGL (Graphics)

    CMake • Built by @Polytonic @domesticmouse @romanlevin

  2. Snaipe / libcsptr

    Smart pointers for the (GNU) C programming language

    CMake • Built by @Snaipe @anupamaggarwal @Joe8Bit @avinassh

  3. taka-no-me / android-cmake

    CMake toolchain file and other scripts for the Android NDK

    CMake • Built by @taka-no-me @ethanrublee @paroj @rpavlik @abergmeier

  4. ruslo / hunter

    :package: Cross-platform package manager for C++ (based on CMake ExternalProject). Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi.

    CMake • Built by @ruslo @pretyman @headupinclouds @alamaison @daminetreg

  5. sakra / cotire

    CMake module to speed up builds.

    CMake • Built by @sakra @nickhutchinson @ArnaudD-FR @gjasny @jcelerier

  6. shashlik / old-shashlik

    Android Simulated Environment

    CMake • Built by @leinir @ingwal @aseigo @davidedmundson @star-buck

  7. rpavlik / cmake-modules

    My collection of CMake modules

    CMake • Built by @rpavlik @tomgey @PiQuer @StudioEtrange @casallas

  8. papyros / papyros

    General issue tracking and wikis for Papyros

    CMake • Built by @iBeliever @gitter-badger

  9. tolerious / Programming_learning_resource


    CMake • Built by @tolerious @NiklausAizen @fenghelong

  10. toeb / cmakepp

    An Enhancement Suite for the CMake Build System

    CMake • Built by @toeb @ahueck @ruslo @Manu343726 @Fraser999

  11. LuaDist / Repository

    Repository of LuaDist modules available for installation using the luadist-git command line tool

    CMake • Built by @drahosp @davidm @kapecp @fperrad @mnicky

  12. opentechinstitute / commotion-router

    The build system for the OpenWRT-based Commotion firmware.

    CMake • Built by @jheretic @gradyoti @areynold @elationfoundation @hawkinswnaf

  13. snikulov / google-test-examples

    Short example how to use GTest form Cmake project

    CMake • Built by @snikulov @nicholasguyett @kreczko @oflebbe

  14. rpavlik / wiiuse

    (Semi-Official Fork of) WiiUse Wii Remote access library

    CMake • Built by @rpavlik @lysannschlegel @janoc @casallas @jzarl

  15. soumith / torch-android

    Torch-7 for Android

    CMake • Built by @soumith @borisfom @rio0286 @gokceneraslan @adampolyak

  16. ruslo / polly

    :wrench: Collection of CMake toolchain files and scripts for cross-platform build and CI testing (gcc, msvc, ios, android, clang analyzer, sanitizers etc.)

    CMake • Built by @ruslo @headupinclouds @pretyman @skypjack @oliverdaniell

  17. cmusphinx / node-pocketsphinx

    Pocketsphinx bindings for Node.JS

    CMake • Built by @SPARTAN563 @nshmyrev @moneppo

  18. ericwlange / AndroidJSCore

    AndroidJSCore allows Android developers to use JavaScript natively in their apps.

    CMake • Built by @ericwlange @aexmachina

  19. cristeab / ios-cmake

    A toolchain file and examples using cmake for iOS development (this is a fork of a similar project found on

    CMake • Built by @cristeab @briancsparks @ForDrink

  20. ipa320 / cob_common

    The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.

    CMake • Built by @ipa-fmw @ipa-fxm @ipa-seminar @ipa-nhg @ipa-jsf

  21. kmorel / UseLATEX

    A collection of CMake macros to simplify building LaTeX files.

    CMake • Built by @kmorel @djt308 @jschueller @gruenich @anatolyborodin

  22. thewtex / cython-cmake-example

    Utilities and example for using CMake to build Cython modules.

    CMake • Built by @thewtex @ColinDuquesnoy @Marvin182 @scopatz @cpatrick

  23. python-cmake-buildsystem / python-cmake-buildsystem

    A cmake buildsystem for compiling Python

    CMake • Built by @jcfr @davidsansome @chuckatkins @thewtex @jrobcary

  24. kvakvs / hge

    HGE 1.8.1 configured with CMake (DirectX8 and DirectX9 version in the same source tree), with shaders support

    CMake • Built by @kvakvs @EvgenyZamyatin

  25. sampsyo / llvm-pass-skeleton

    example LLVM pass

    CMake • Built by @sampsyo

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