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  1. masuidrive / miyamoto

    Google Apps Scriptで書かれたSlack用勤怠管理Botの「みやもとさん」

    Gosu • Built by @masuidrive

  2. entaq / GoogleAppsScript

    Sample code for Google Apps Script.

    Gosu • Built by @entaq @ayyar @radef

  3. fastfedora / google-docs

    Libraries and functions used within Google Docs

    Gosu • Built by @fastfedora

  4. gosu-lang / gosu-lang

    The Gosu programming language

    Gosu • Built by @rsmckinney @lboasso @DPUkyle @ikornienko @vicky17d

  5. BSData / wh40k

    Warhammer 40,000

    Gosu • Built by @Kangodo @amis92 @senpai514 @Thairne @NebSeele

  6. kazunori279 / Fluent-Dashboard

    A Google Spreadsheet designed to receive Fluentd event logs and display charts from them.

    Gosu • Built by @kazunori279

  7. kprevas / ronin

    Ronin web framework

    Gosu • Built by @kprevas @carsongross @bchang @coryfoo @akeefer

  8. metricube / drivecopy

    Google Apps Script to copy folders in Google Drive

    Gosu • Built by @andrewcrouch

  9. BSData / whfb

    Warhammer Fantasy

    Gosu • Built by @Maetco @StealthKnightSteg @andreagrax @BSDataAnon @ansacs

  10. NewVisionsForPublicSchools / autoCrat-SCRIPT

    A flexible, easy to use document merge tool that enables conditional creation of PDF, Shared Doc and email file attachment from spreadsheet or form data.

    Gosu • Built by @astillman @TimCargan @dscaramellino

  11. BSData / horus-heresy

    Horus Heresy

    Gosu • Built by @Millicant @capitaladot @amis92 @Spartacustooandsoismywife @gitter-badger

  12. adelevie / ParseAppsScript

    Utilities for using Parse with Google Apps Script.

    Gosu • Built by @adelevie

  13. melissaguyre / mixpanel-segmentation-google-spreadsheets

    Mixpanel Segmentation Data Export script for report automation into Google Spreadsheets

    Gosu • Built by @melissaguyre

  14. adv0r / altcoin-google-spreadsheet

    Altcoin price tracker into a google spreadsheet. Scraping data from

    Gosu • Built by @adv0r

  15. digidem / GAS-github-json

    Uploads a Google Sheet to a github repository as geojson whenever the spreadsheet is updated

    Gosu • Built by @gmaclennan

  16. angular / google-cla-verifier-for-github

    Google App Script for automatically verifying Google CLA status for contributions sent to GitHub projects

    Gosu • Built by @IgorMinar @juliemr @willnorris

  17. cartland / instant-runoff

    Instant-runoff voting for Google Apps spreadsheets.

    Gosu •

  18. google / forcefield

    Keep email out of your inbox when you're not at work.

    Gosu • Built by @mjjohnson

  19. drewdepriest / AppScriptUpload

    Google Apps Script (GAS) file that handles file uploads. This functionality does not natively appear as part of a Google form.

    Gosu • Built by @drewdepriest

  20. qslabs / FitbitDailyData

    A simple script for accessing and downloading your Fitbit data in Google Spreadsheets.

    Gosu • Built by @erramirez

  21. mcdanielgilbert / gas-oauth2-gae

    A library for connecting from Google Apps Scripts to Google APIs using OAuth2 and a Service Account

    Gosu • Built by @tmcoma

  22. harryonline / gmailevernote

    Google Apps script to forward messages to Evernote

    Gosu • Built by @harryo

  23. rachelslurs / magic-ticket

    Magic Ticket is a Google Apps Script that connects a Google Spreadsheet with a Zendesk instance. This aims to help manage date-related deadlines with Zendesk’s ticketing system.

    Gosu •

  24. St3ph-fr / alertes-leboncoin

    Script d'alertes email via Google Docs

    Gosu • Built by @St3ph-fr @maximelebreton

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