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Build Author John J Talavera Views 4169
This build was very complex due to the fact I wanted to create a low cost larger than normal CNC. I did not want a MDF or plastic body. I wanted it to be able to do more than most CNC routers this size on the market.
Build Author John J Talavera Views 1098
CNC FOR EVERYONE TITAN CNC ROUTER TITAN CNC ROUTER is the perfect PCB milling machine or for smaller projects. Don't be fooled by its small size it is capable of routing with the big boys...!
Build Author John J Talavera Views 659
CNC FOR EVERYONE, THE DUCK! the Duck is something that i think would be helpful in my shop since we already do cold casting.
Build Author Robert J Rissell Views 202
Remix of Sage's Delta-Six
I'm looking to build a large build-volume, accurate, steady 3D printer with the eventual aim of swapping in a diode laser to allow for use as a cutter for printing/cutting parts out of balsa sheet for building model aircraft.
Build Author nicklogan Views 738
MDF Delta
A Rostock style delta bot with the parts which are typically 3D printed made from medium density fiberboard (MDF). It uses a home made hot end.
Build Author Cuong Vu Views 4281
3D Printer
It took me 18 long nights to build it
Build Author Sheepdog Views 3511
Griffin Delta Printer
Designed from the ground up as a low cost, highly scalable delta printer. This printer has been built as small as carry on luggage size, up to an 18in wide print surface and is capable of larger. Approximate cost is low to mid $500 range start to finish, including electronics for a basic model.
Vslot Kossel
Base is a Delta Kossel Printer modified to be build with openbuild parts like vslot 20x40 , pulley .... It inclued the latest modification for auto level : FSR
Cubic 3D Printer
I've made a 3D printer
Build Author Bobnet Views 1150
Rackmount + OpenRail
OpenRail attached to a 19" rackmount 15U box.
Cheetah 33254 CNC Router
I hope to have a working prototype built soon.
Build Author Keith Davis Views 1767
A Prusa i3 design running on Open Build's mini V wheels
Build Author John J Talavera Views 933
A simple low cost rotomolder.
Build Author Bobnet Views 2760
Oversize ShapeOko as a 3D printer.
Converting a ShapeOKO into a 3D printer.
Build Author Colin Russon Views 1894
Lead screw based Foam Cutter that can easily be adapted to full belt / pinion drive and to CNC.
Design of a multifunctional CNC machine.