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Laser V

Discussion in 'Laser Cutters' started by Robert Hummel, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

  2. JCPhlux

    JCPhlux Journeyman Builder

  3. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    What would be a good lens for it
  4. JCPhlux

    JCPhlux Journeyman Builder

  5. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    Ill be waiting for you results for the laser cutting test and with the laser holder/housing plate how will i get will it be able to get it will you send it to the open build shop or will i have to make it
  6. JCPhlux

    JCPhlux Journeyman Builder

    I do not have a machine that can cut it out.
  7. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    there are a lot of laser cutting service companies so maybe i could get them to cut it for me if its not too expensive
  8. JCPhlux

    JCPhlux Journeyman Builder

    If that is the case you might see if @Robert Hummel would send you his plate design. it combines the gantry plate, motor mount and laser mount.
  9. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
  10. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    Is your enclosure designed that you can view whats happening without having to wear glasses (not that i will do it but a bit more safety is always better) and when will you finish it and put up how to build it
  11. oni305

    oni305 Veteran Builder

  12. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

  13. oni305

    oni305 Veteran Builder

    It's not safe in you aren't 10000% sure that the material assorb enough power of the correct wawelenght of the laser

    This answers your question:
  14. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    Now I just have to figure out how to stop laser light exiting the room cause I don't think curtains over windows will stop it what should I use to put over the windows to stop laser light exiting the room
  15. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    I myself don't have the issue of light going out the window as most of it is absorbed by the acrylic.
    I do not know its rating on protection but it does help a lot.

    That housing is to small for what I
    designed but a little creativity can solve that.

    I'm not able to finish it the way I want because my desktop mill is to small.
    When my OX AI is done I will be able to complete my build :)
  16. JCPhlux

    JCPhlux Journeyman Builder

    I am thinking I will just put in thin plastic walls on most of it and then go acrylic on a door/latch
    Robert Hummel likes this.
  17. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    No that housing is to small to fit what I designed.
    In order to help I would need to to know the full dimensions of it
  18. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    All the dimensions i know is what is on the website and on it says the laser is in a 12mm x 30mm copper module
  19. Robert Hummel

    Robert Hummel Custom Builder Staff Member Builder

    Ok, well that is deff smaller then what I used.
    Let me know what you decide to go with and I will try to work my magic lol
  20. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    I still have a few things to do before i have a yes or no to will i do this build. the laser i will use depends on the results by JCPhlux results with using the laser using with the same materials i will be using
  21. JCPhlux

    JCPhlux Journeyman Builder

    Well I will try to get it done soon. But be warned I am just getting started on this build so I am still waiting for all my parts to come in.
    Robert Hummel likes this.
  22. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    Change of plan i will be using the laser cutter in a room with no window and only 1 door if i will be running it in there will i still need the enclosure or i still need it will it be fine to have it like in the photo so no laser light goes in the direction of the door[​IMG]
  23. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    @Wojtek there are two main safety aspects to be taken into consideration when using lasers...

    1) Protecting eyes (yours, pets, bystanders etc) from direct or reflected laser beams and you seem to have this covered OK :thumbsup:

    2) Protecting lungs (yours, pets, bystanders etc) from the fumes produced when laser cutting. Lasers will vaporise many materials and the particles / fumes produced can be extremely toxic. Unless you include a fume extraction system (I use an overhead ducted system) vented to the outside atmosphere it is unwise to operate any laser in a closed space. You really need plenty of ventilation and a room with 1 door and no windows is, in my opinion, not a satisfactory location.

  24. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    well a room is not a good description a better one would be a metal shed in the back garden.
    for fume extraction system i think it would be best to have the laser cutter in a sealed container(or something) and have 2 fans with tubes going throught the roof. what would be a good way to make a container for the laser cutter
  25. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    Hmm toxic fumes over populated area i dont think that would be a good idea.
    i know hardly anything about fume extraction so give me info about it designed for a noob
  26. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    I can’t offer any advice on what would make a suitable enclosure so I think you would just need to use common sense here. I recently used some smoke capsules (used for testing boiler flue installations) to check the efficiency of my extraction system.

    Lung contamination / infection etc. can take many years to actually show that a problem has been caused so stay safe and always have plenty of ventilation in the work area.

    Just a couple of examples of problem materials…

    1) PVC and materials containing PVC will give off Chlorine gas when vaporised by a laser. This Chlorine combines with the natural moisture (water vapour) in the air to produce a form of Hydrochloric acid which is both harmful to us and our machines.

    2) The typical ‘B&Q’ purchased MDF will give off Formaldehyde (when attacked with a laser) and because this poses a significant risk to health many have now changed to using the safer ‘Medite’ (brand name) which uses a water based bonding agent.

    3) There are many more materials that could be added to this list.

    The actual volume (p.p.m) of toxic fumes / particles produced is relatively small and they quickly dissipate to a harmless level when vented to the atmosphere, however, I use a H.E.P.A / active carbon filter in my extraction system – mainly just to remove the smell of cutting acrylic but then again I am not in a highly populated area.

  27. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    i cant seem to find any smoke capsules do you know where i can get some
  28. Tweakie

    Tweakie OpenBuilds Team Staff Member Builder

    Just search the bay for flue testing smoke.

  29. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

  30. Wojtek

    Wojtek Journeyman Builder

    You have a good explanation of what you will need but not how it goes together. How will you connect the laser throught the LD2X board(with the arduino nano of course) and does it need a power supply or is that just for the fans.And how will you connect the fans to the power supplier

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